Poll Question

Q. Have you recently become a single parent?

OneSpace member goes to Parliament

OneSpace member goes to Parliament

One of our OneSpace members 'Alice' has gone to Parliament today!

Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) and the Fawcett Society they are making sure that the voice of single parents is heard by the parliamentary committees who are evaluating the impact of the recent reforms to benefits.

Laura, SPAN's Parliamentary Officer has successfully raised the issue of poor support for single parents at Jobcentres particularly the lack of consideration for their childcare needs.

Tweets coming through now:

"people need to know why they r sanctioned how to appeal should not take months"

"we need specialist lone parent advisers"

"Alice talks about being sanctioned twice no of money meant no internet no phone and restricted jobsearch"

"Chair pointing out SP more likely than any other group to have sanctioned overturned because inappropriate sanctioning"

"JSA needs to be better designed 4 single parents. Carers as well as jobseekers"

"Dear MPs, we know there's a bus strike but wmn r sanctioned for being 5mins late to JCP in worse conditions."

Read Where's the Benefit - Independant Inquiry into Women and JSA.

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