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Join the campaign to keep London Housing affordable
Me and my 8 year old daughter are facing homelessness this Christmas, along with 92 other families, because an American property company has bought our estate. They want us out so they can hike up rent by three times what we pay now.
That’s why we’re campaigning to keep our home, New Era Estate, as affordable housing. We know that public pressure can work -- last week UK property company Benyon Estate, who had 10% in the estate, withdrew after 90,000 people signed this petition. We can do the same with the US property company Westbrook Partners.
As a mum and NHS worker I’m thankful that I live in a country that has affordable housing for hard working families. I've lived in Hoxton, London my whole life, along with three generations of my family. There are so many families like mine who have this area in their blood.
For decades our estate has been protected as affordable housing in a city that’s pushing out the locals with sky high rents. We've been told Westbrook want to triple rents from around £600 per month to £1800. There is no way I can afford that on an NHS salary, few people could. We need to stop these greedy property companies from sending our city into a housing crisis - and it should start with New Era Estate.
Last week Russell Brand backed the campaign. This week Mayor of London Boris Johnson has spoken out. If we keep this momentum going, we could keep our estate.
Please join me and the families of the New Era Estate in calling on Westbrook Partners to keep rents at an affordable rate so that we’re not made homeless. Sign our petition here.
Thank you,
Lindsey Garrett