Meeting New People Helps Career Potential

Meeting New People Helps Career Potential

Sacha is 27, has four children aged from 11 months to eight years old and has experienced being a single parent. Sacha gained GCSE’s from school but at that time wasn’t sure what she wanted to do for a career. Here she tells us her experience of attending courses at SPAN. 

Why did you come to SPAN?

I had a course leaflet through the door, the centre was local, some courses were subsidised, some free and it had an on-site crèche which was really important.

What are you studying?

I first came to the centre in 2007. I have studied level 2 English and Maths, a lingerie course and a beauty course which also covered hair. I had a break from learning and now I am on the Information & Guidance (IAG) level 2 course as well as the mentoring course here which I feel compliments the IAG course.

Have there been any barriers to your learning and if so how were they overcome?

There wasn’t any crèche places when I first enrolled on one of the courses but as soon as places were free they rang me and I started the course; although I missed a few weeks the tutor helped me to catch up. I find it difficult to find the time to do the homework as well as keeping it all out of the way of the children. I’m glad that I am online as it makes the research for the courses easier.

What have you achieved?

I have learnt organisational skills – time around study and have gained confidence.

What benefits has it brought or what difference has it made to your life?

Coming out and meeting new people. This experience has helped me to realise a career is still possible cause of it being local and the childcare. Coming back into education after so long is daunting, it’s such a nice environment with the classes being small and being with other parents. There is much support from the tutors to get work done. People always seem to come back and do more courses – It’s like a little community!

Any highlights?

The diversity of all the cultures – everyone blends together and there’s no separation of religion or culture. We’re not judged.

What are your plans for the future?

I would really like to work in a family support role and I will be seeing the Careers Advisor which is based here at the centre.

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