UWE Law Students Articles

UWE Law Students Articles

We worked with students of the faculty of Law at the University of the West of England to produce these articles about legal matters.

  • Steps to obtaining a divorce

    Steps to obtaining a divorce

    In order to obtain a divorce there are steps which need to be completed. This guide has been written so you can know what is happening and to help you avoid unnecessary stress and… Read more

  • Parental Responsibility

    Parental Responsibility

    What is parental responsibility? All mothers and most fathers will have legal rights and responsibilities, known as ‘parental responsibility’. If you have parental responsibility, your important roles are to: Provide a home for your child… Read more

  • What is domestic violence?

    What is domestic violence?

    Domestic violence is defined as any incident which is controlling, coercive, threatening, violent or abusive. It can affect those between the ages of 16 and over, or those who have been intimate partners or… Read more

  • How to collect evidence of domestic violence

    How to collect evidence of domestic violence

    If you are the victim of domestic violence, you may be entitled to legal aid to help you cover the costs of court proceedings. This applies to cases where you have experienced controlling or… Read more