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4.8 – Behaviour & discipline

This is where we start to look at discipline techniques to deal with behaviour. Earlier in this course we looked at parenting issues, children’s and parents’ rights and what we want for our family.

We have looked at how the issues might be different for us because we are single parent families. Sorting out behaviour issues and providing appropriate and consistent responses, as a parent, is hard work and takes commitment. Children need to know what is expected of them and need to be able to discuss the rules with you – if they feel part of making the rules they are more likely to stick to them.

In your worksheet, explain what the word ‘discipline’ means to you?

Before we think about tackling difficult behaviour, we will look at some ways to encourage good behaviour and have a better relationship with our children. We can prevent bad behaviour or rule breaking if we start off with a good relationship with our kids.

One to one time: It is important to spend time with each child individually so that they feel special and they can have your undivided attention. Children love spending time with you and can feel safe to talk to you without any distractions (like cooking, washing, homework etc.). Younger children will need a short amount of time each day and older children will need at least an hour a couple of times a week. You can have this One to One Time whilst you are already doing something together e.g. bath time, dropping to or from school, bedtime, walking to the shop. When you have this time don’t interrogate them about untidy bedrooms or homework, just listen and respond or do something nice together and make it clear that you enjoy their company.

In your worksheet, describe how and when you can you make time for One to One with each of your children.

Great stuff! Now we are going to look at some ways of managing behaviour.

Next: 4.9 – Our own behaviourBack: 4.7 – Teaching our children family rules – feedback

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