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Am I normal?


moonmonkey you actualy went to see QUEEN? Now I am jealous, one of my all time favs so much so that my 10 year old son does a mean version of Dont stop me now, sad but true Laughing

Reading both your perspectives I can agree with you both in many ways, I once was relatively speaking wealthy compared to my peers, had my own home from the age of 18, made money from selling one house and buying another etc also worked very hard and long hours, then came relationships and yes Stuart I agree that some people are as you say they work out which buttons to push and take the other person for granted. I do think talking and making time for each other regardless of how many children you have or other things going on makes all the difference in making a relationship work. I lost everything I had more than once through being way too soft.

We all really do live and learn and hopefully dont continue to make the same mistakes. I think you need to remain positive no matter what life chucks at you, it has worked for me over the years, as they say what doesnt kill you makes you stronger!!!!!!!!!Laughing

Dont think you will become a bad boy moonmonkey it doesnt seem your nature.

Nice bike!!!!!!!!!!Laughing

I was off to bed but didnt get there yet ha ha

I hope you both have a peaceful night and a good day tomorrow.

Chat soon xxx

Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 12:43am

MoonMonkey (not verified)

It's 2:05 and I can't sleep, my head is swimming with thoughts, mostly about feeling sorry for how mixed up her life must be with such poor values!

I was about 13ft from the stage at Mikton Keynes, so close I could see the lines on the roof of Freddie Mercury's mouth when he sang. They played for 3-hours and I was at the front of 54,000 people so had to pee myself...... and it was lovely!!! There were people as far as the eye could see, a lot of topless girls on the shoulders of lucky men, big cameras (it was filmed for The Tube) and even a man in a bed on top of a tower! It was amazing to be part of the captive audience singing along.

Anyway, I said some nasty things to her by email but nothing she doesn't truly deserve. I'm a little sad too as all hope has now gone, I could never be with someone that lies to me. Just gotta get my head down tomorrow and distract myself with a 10-hour shift.

I'm not at all happy about the prospect of finding someone new, what if the same thing happens again?

Night tiredmum xxx

Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 2:13am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi MoonMonkey

I am sorry this ex is messing with your head in this way. The others have given you some sound advice and sort of confirmed what you were thinking yourself. Hope you got some sleep in the end

As for new relationships, it is really, really important to get over one before you contemplate another...but it WILL happen. Getting over heartbreak is very hard (have a look at this article) but it is possible, and we are all here to help you through the low times.

So how do you feel today and how was work?

Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 8:35am

MoonMonkey (not verified)

Thanks Louise, I really feel broken today. Easy to read about it but not so easy to do, wish someone was here for me x

Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 9:16am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Of course, the theory is always harder than the practice Cry, part of my job is to highlight resources for people (up to you whether you use them) and of course we are always here to talk with...you WILL get through this.

Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 11:45am


Moonmonkey that does sound like a wonderful experience, I used to go to concerts probably one of the most memorable was Rush and the NEC in Birmingham that was really good, Thin Lizzy were also very good.

How are you feeling about things? It is so hard when you have invested time and emotion into a relationship and then find that the person isnt who you thought they were, that thought doesnt mean you should give up trying with someone new just not yet!!!!! I think you need some time out, can I ask how long you were divorced/seperated before meeting someone else?

I think men find it more difficult to be alone they tend not to like their own company whereas us ladies well certainly the ones I know actually like having control of the tv remote etcLaughing

You will find someone in time but please give yourself some time to heal from the hurt first otherwise you become your ex in many ways on the rebound and you wouldnt want that would you?

I am having a quiet day really so far, just going to do a few bits and pieces here, a 10 hours shift will be difficult to get throught today but you will.

Hope to chat later this evening xxx

Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 12:18pm

Lola Ann Mitzy

Hi i have the same problem. Since becoming a mum i lost all my friends. we have been reduced to ''hi'' and just plesant nods if we see each other. They are all still with the fathers of their kids or dont seem to have trouble finding a  new partner. Me on the other hand has never had a boyfriend (and i am 21). I would'nt consider my daughters father a boyfriend as it really was just a summer fling when i was 16. i have also turned to 'One space' for comfort and socialising, but it has been great for me. up untill nearly 2 weeks ago i had no one. it was just me and my daughter. My mum lives close and we see each other everyday but you cant turn your mum into your friend or only friend. there are still things you cant talk to her about and if anyone elses mums are like mine, there are some things i dont want to hear her talk about lol. I think you are very normal, you are a mum, a busy mum and a doting mum. It depends on how old your little ones are though. My little one will start full-time school in september and i know that when that happens i am going to make it my business to do anything i can to have all that time to myself and focus on getting back into work, find friends and start being a normal 20 odd year old. There is nothing wrong with you, you just fell out of the social aspect of thing like alot, well most mums do. You will get back on track in no time. Have you thought about groups for single mothers, or one for young mothers? try some volentery work, you will meet people in similar situations, just wanting to get out the house. I am looking for work now, not for money.... for sanity haha. get back and let me know how you are and how you are feeling x x

Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 8:48pm


Hi there

Have you added (not verified) to your username moonmonkey? It doesn't appear on page one of the messages I can see but it does on page 2.

I know this will sound corny but you will just have to give it time. I am not saying things will be easy, and you know what, even after time has helped to heal your pain there will still be times when you remember back and you have that pang again and you feel sad all over again (I'm talking from experience), but it won't as bad as then as it once was.

Only you can decide how things will pan out, but if you were one of my friends I would sit you down and tell you that you need space. Space to sort your head out, to 'grieve' for the loss of the relationship, to allow yourself to feel down because once you have allowed yourself to do that then you can start to heal and rebuild your life.If you hide or surpress your feelings, get confused by being in contact with her still then you will never get over it.

You said in your message earlier that you are not happy about the prospect of finding someone new. Don't even think about that at the moment. Ok so it is no fun being on your own all the time, but you need to. And when you do meet someone you need to be totally over your ex and feel like it is time to move on. Now isn't the time to move on because you would be re-bounding (and then you'd feel a million times worse when that relationship splits up), and sorry for saying that, but maybe your ex is going through that now???



Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 8:57pm


Hi moonmonkey, how has your day been?

Hope you managed to get through work with no major stresses.

I`m having a good evening here, my eldest daughter well eldest who lives a home started a part time job today tele sales she did remarkably well for her 1st time, really proud of her and pleased for her too, she is a full time student but has looked for months for a part time job, younger daughter who is also at college full time should be able to start there next week too, she is waiting for her ammended NI to arrive, they put my surname on and not hers!!!!!!!

What are your plans for the rest of the week, when do you see your children?

Hope you do manage to get some sleep tonight.

Chat soon


Posted on: May 31, 2011 - 11:57pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello all

MoonMonkey has amended some of his details (hence the not verified status) and it may be that he will not return, but hopefully we will see him again, I do hope so

Posted on: June 1, 2011 - 7:54am