new venture


I come on this site generally when I'm feeling low or when my sons dad is been manipulative and Im feeling smothered by his behaviours. 

I find reading the forums reminds me,  firstly Im not alone, and secondly draw strength from others experiences and often insprired by a womans sheer will and determination to keep going in the face of adversity.

I recently gone through a period of depression. have started trying to find books that i may find inspirational, ive just read The Alchemist which got me thinking about life goals and a book named Wild woman sisterhood - which has got me thinking about self love and appreciation.

so I was wondering where how you draw strength during those times and any books you can recommend, thanks 

Posted on: July 7, 2014 - 9:55pm


For me it seems to be music.  When I first came here eight and a half years ago, after we'd been homeless, it was The Killers and Mr Brightside.  It still gets played loud adm often!

I found when I was down that I couldn't read.  I always had a my nose in a book.  It's only the last couple of years that I've started to read again, but not like I did.  Take it or leave it..

So music for me.  

Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 5:01am

Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Sorry to hear that you have been feeling low new venture, i'm a fan of books by Louise Hay she has written quite a few books that are empowering, i think one is called Love yourself heal your life Smile

Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 7:02am


For me it's my children, they always make me happy, lift me up with their funny ways and the thing they say and do and how they see the world.

They remind me of all the beautiful and happy things and how amazing everything is. They make me laugh every day, intentionally and unintentionally. 

They do things like push their hands into mine and make me hold them on the way to school if I've just gotten all wound up and angry trying to get them out the house. 

My son always asks me for a cuddle after, when we have our little clashes, my daughter has a way of looking at me and extending her bottom lip with a fake sad look while fluttering her eyes. 

I'm sure if it wasn't for my kids I'd be a bored drunk bloke sat in a pub trying to forget his sole destroying day job in glasses of beer. 

Since I became a single parent has been the best part of my life so far. I look at them and I am filled with happiness and love, as corny as it sounds but it is true. 



Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 8:38am


Try "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", for anyone above 9, a lovely story and many people are uplifted and inspired by it  :)

written by Richard Bach. The 4th part of the book was added on after he had a plane crash in August 2012

Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 12:56pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi new venture et al

I love the Louise Hay book You can heal your Life, but that is quite direct and I get the feeling that you are looking for something to ponder on, I also loved Jonathan Livingston Seagull, great recommendation Smile.

I have read a lot of Paulo Coelho's books after reading the Alchemist myself, I recently 'Liked' Paulo Coelho's page on Facebook and there are some great quotes that generally pop up on a daily basis that I find really fulfilling.

Also on the internet I really enjoy Marc and Angel, although American, I find their articles inspiring!

I am really looking forward to hearing more from others, I know I have many more to add, but I will leave it there until we have more responses! Kiss

Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 5:12pm

new venture

Hi and thankyou to all of you, 

sparklingtime, you've made me want to dig out my Killers cd and play it loud!

Ive checked the books out on Amazon, they look really interesting as does the website Anna. 

Bubblegum, as difficult as i find being a single parent at times I love been with m son, he's just 3 and at the moment his favourite saying is ''look at that (pointing), thats the best thing I've never seen!'' always makes me smile. 


Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 9:16pm

new venture

Hi and thankyou to all of you, 

sparklingtime, you've made me want to dig out my Killers cd and play it loud!

Ive checked the books out on Amazon, they look really interesting as does the website Anna. 

Bubblegum, as difficult as i find being a single parent at times I love been with m son, he's just 3 and at the moment his favourite saying is ''look at that (pointing), thats the best thing I've never seen!'' always makes me smile. 


Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 9:16pm



Posted on: July 8, 2014 - 9:36pm


: )

Some music that always lifts me up is Queen live at Band aid, I don't know why because I dont realy like Queen, but the live at Band aid thing is very happy, Freddy Murcury is just contagiously happy : )

But! THIS! Japanese band Boris, is what makes me happy at the moment, it's what I listen to on my bike ride to work right now and this particular song is what wakes us up as the alarm on my phone in the morning. The guitarist is very beautifull too, not that that is why I like them or anything : )

Posted on: July 9, 2014 - 7:25am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

OK bubblegum! I just had a look at Boris! That's interesting, I can actually imagine the three of you headbanging around your bedroom in the mornings!!

Wow! Just had a look at Queen, Freddie looks fabulous!! I can't believe it was 19 years ago! Its still playing now, thanks for that!

new venture, your son sounds like a little gem, its great to capture those moments.


Posted on: July 9, 2014 - 5:03pm


Queen were amazing in Band Aid.  A performance to remember...

Posted on: July 10, 2014 - 11:02am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Indeed Smile

Posted on: July 10, 2014 - 4:11pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello new venture I am glad you find the site so helpful.

You have got some good suggestions of books and music to help and the ways some of us look at life with our children.

One thing I (still) do is a sort of Annual Review. I look at what I have achieved in the year, what I plan for the following year, I look at the relationships in my life and what they are giving me/costing me and if I need to change things.

The biggest thing I think we can ALL learn, though, is to remember to praise ourselves and we can do this every day, there will always be something we have done well, whether it is keeping our temper, making a nice tea or smiling at the lady in the bus queue. WAY TO GO!



Posted on: July 19, 2014 - 8:31am


Hi new venture,

Like sparkling, for me its music. Elbow is the music I listen too when I need my sprirts lifting, specifically the 'Seldom Seen Kid' album. It got me through the hard times during my divorce and reminds me of how strong I was then, even though I didn't feel it, and how good my life is now.

I've also started to look into mindfullness and have been having a go at guided meditation. It really helps me to come back to the here and now and put my worries and anxieties to one side.

Posted on: July 25, 2014 - 8:52am


James aurther has been my solice! His album makes me think different specially his son recovery, every word sinks in every time I listen to it and gives me strength to keep going and keep fighting!   And house work!! Cleaning gets a lot of anger out and uses unwanted energy stops me crying and over thinking! I'd find myself cleaning windows at 4 am but it worked! 

Posted on: July 25, 2014 - 9:07am