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Totally lost It!!!


Last night, I totally lost it with my 7 year old, and this morning, I'm deeply ashamed of how I handled things with him. It started with me dismantling the bunk bed, so he could move into the smaller room. The place was totally upside down, then a friend rang to see if she could visit with her son. I wasn't of course up for it, with the place as it was, but decided to go ahead, as my son wanted someone to play with, and I also needed help re-assembling the bed. My 7 year old promised he would be good, and there wouldn't be any rows, (as there always is).

As soon as visitors arrived, the bloody arguements started, so I ended up really shouting at the two of them, which obviously went over their heads. After a few hours, lots of cursing with the bed, the place still upside down, I then had to do a dinner. I was tired, angry (about the disobedience). We sat down to eat, and my son lied over something, and thats when I totally lost it. We rowed at the table, then I told him he was going straight to bed afterward. By this time it was 8. Instead of doing as I said, I got nothing but backchat, which by that stage I couldn't handle. No excuse at all, but I was so tired. I dragged him into the bedroom, with his 'mouth' still going, so I slapped his leg and walked out of the room. He was shouting something at me, so I went back in and slapped his leg again. He ended up telling me he hated me, I was yelling back, but told him it was ok to hate me, but I still loved him, but wouldn't put up with the behaviour, and if he didn't like the rules, to go and live with the 'sperm doner'. I really went to town, told him I'd had him for 7 years, so why shouldn't the father have him. This was totally out of order I know, but the words just kept coming out through sheer frustration or whatever. I did go and comfort him and told him I was sorry for slapping him.

I posted a while ago about things getting bad here, and saw my GP who diagnosed anxiety. I myself thought it was the tablets I was on for smoking. Last week, I stopped taking them. (I was on and off the cigs) Couldn't even get that right eh! I wanted this holiday to be so nice for him, and now I've ruined it for him. Lousy Mother? Yes. Didn't get much sleep last night as you can imagine. Yes I can make it up to him, but it doesn't take away the fact of what happened. I wish I could turn the clock back.

He is such a loving caring boy. I know he isn't an angel of course, but when the friends get together, and the rows break out, it always seems to be me telling him off, and the other parents ignore their childs behaviour, so then I feel that he is the bad one (which of course he isn't). I know they are all as bad as each other.

Last night I should have walked away from the situation, calmed down, and then spoken about it. I messed up big time.

Posted on: April 6, 2010 - 8:54am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Dearest alisoncam,

It happens to the best of us, we have all let rip on our children and the first thing you can do is FORGIVE YOURSELF.

I can see that you are totally beating yourself up about what happened last night and only the best parents would, but it is not so bad and he won't be deeply affected by it.

For a start it sounded like you were having a stressful time anyway with the bunk beds. Our children read us like books when we are stressed and often pick up and carry the same emotions.

I understand the disappointment in yourself when you started about the sperm donor, its terrible how when we are stressed we get on a subject and then can not just let it lie.  This again is fine (as a one off) it shows your son that it is tough doing this all alone He was frustrated that you were frustrated and it just escalated. You are always very aware of what you say to him and I am sure that he will recognise that you didn't mean it. Yes, you might have said hurtful things, but you made up for it afterwards.

As for slapping him, you need to remember that you didn't just lash out and beat him senseless, you were trying to regain some control when you were at the end of your tether, it is a learning curve for you as well as your son, you say that you should have walked away and maybe next time you will.

I think these situations are bound to happen, I have certainly done it, and this is what makes the relationship as a single parent so very special. We have huge rows, but we move on from it and know that we are still loved and the children know that we still love them.

Living in such close proximity with only one other person is bound to lead to huge rows and unfortunately for us parenting alone, it is our children who will bear the brunt.

You have a lot of 'under the surface' worry, with your sisters cancer, your nieces PND, the bully at the school, your son's half sisters mother's problems etc, everything just came to a head yesterday.

I wonder if there is a womens group locally that you could join? A stress and anxiety group, or self confidence or just somewhere where you can have a bit of 'me' time, doing gardening or flower arranging with some other mums?

Don't beat yourself up about the smoking, you will give up when the time is right for you, it is an incredibly hard battle to face and you need to give yourself a break. You are not a lousy mother, I think you are a thoughtful, considerate mother who does EVERYTHING she can for her son.

You still have 2 weeks of holiday yes? I think you could spend today, not beating yourself up, but looking at the positives of your parenting and your life, then when you are in a better frame of mind, spend the rest of the holidays enjoying yourself.

This is your life too, not just your son's, he did misbehave, you weren't happy with him talking back to you and everything got a bit out of hand, I know you feel guilty, but don't overdo it, he will pick upon that too. You can be sorry for the extremity of your behaviour, but not the reasoning behind it.

How are you feeling now? Today? Are you still berating yourself or can you see that it was a one off?

Posted on: April 6, 2010 - 12:44pm

Hi Anna, thankyou once again for your words of wisdom. Before my son got up this morning, after I had posted, I gave it all a lot of thought. Things have been building up with me for some time, I feel put upon a lot of the time, and I can't get into the habit of saying NO. I also know I give in to having friends round, picking others up from school, having sleepovers, simply to please others, (not me). I also go on guilt trips where my son is concerned, as he is forever saying he doesn't have anyone to play with etc etc. It always seems to be me doing the 'asking round' with an 'Oh, you must come round to us the next time C.......'. Never seems to happen though!!!! So, my place is trashed, the children seem to think they can do what they like, and my opinion doesn't seem to count.As i'm typing this, I'm getting frustrated, and feeling it bubble inside. I can also hear myself saying, 'well Alison, don't give in the next time, say No and mean it'. (first sign of madness of course, talking to myself). My neighbour actually told me off last week for agreeing to look after my son's friend for the day. He was at school, and she was off sick, the Mother had to work. Previously I had said I wouldn't be doing any more favours, as it was all one sided, and my neighbour had raised her eyebrows at the time, and told me to STICK to it!! So, when she told me off, I wasn't at all surprised!!! The little girls Grandmother is suffering with Cancer, and so the the girls Mother is juggling a lot. I can see she is shattered, and honestly feel for her. The other day, she said, 'I'm so sorry, your sister is going through Cancer, and yet I never ask how she is doing, yet you are always asking about my Mum'. That is true, and I have been upset over that, but she is going through a rough time, not just with her Mum but other stuff.

I had a good chat with my son earlier, we both said sorry, and that today is a new day!

I've been moving wardrobes etc around this morning, still haven't finished everything, but I'm now exhausted, so I'm just shutting the door on that particular bedroom!

The half-sisters Mum no longer rings (thankgoodness). I couldn't give her any of my time a few weeks ago, I had to take another important call on my mobile, so she hung up on me! So, why am I the one that feels guilty over that?? I have given her more than enough time listening to her problems, but she never seemed interested in how I was feeling. Anyhow, the kids never seemed to chat or anything, my son found his half-sister babyish (at 8), so their calls dwindled. They last spoke around October time I think. Even on Christmas Day, I asked if C..... could speak to his sister, and the Mother made some excuse, and so that was that.

Anyhow, thankyou again. I'm glad I got all of that off my chest :) It is so good that I can come here and tell everything, sometimes it feels like a confession!

I hope you are having a good day, and that you and your daughter had a lovely Easter. Take care



Posted on: April 6, 2010 - 1:22pm

I have about 2 hours free time. My friend who was here yesterday turned up and has taken the boys to the park, to give me a break! What an absolute treasure she is. I could and should be finishing off the room, and I have dishes to wash and a pile of ironing, but instead I'm just going to chill and enjoy the little bit of peace.

My son ripped his Ben 10 jeans on his bike yesterday, and I wouldn't have been able to do anything with them as it wasn't a seam. Normally I would have just thrown them away, but they are fairly new, and it would have upset C....., so I actually went across the road and asked the neighbour as I know she is a dab hand with her machine. She said it was no problem, and I'm so glad I asked, as I wouldn't have like too before. I guess I've also got to get used to asking for help if I need it, instead of trying to do things on my own!

I've decided to buy myself the Alan Carr book for smoking as I know a few of the members here have used it, and some have succeeded. I am so desperate to give up, for C....., for my health, and financial reasons. I didn't get a lot of support from friends, as they still puffed around me, which was difficult sometimes. If I slipped up, they would pounce, and say, 'we knew you'd go back to it'. Not very encouraging really.

I am definately feeling much better in myself than I felt this morning. My son is happy, which is the main thing, so yesterday has gone, and today is a new day.


Posted on: April 6, 2010 - 2:36pm

Sending loads of love and hugs your way.

I remember losing with with my now 14 year old when he was about 3 years old.  I really did lose it too - I phoned my friend who's a social worker up to tell her what I'd done!!

The following day I went to collect him from nursery and he saw me through the window, beamed, smiled and waved at me.  I told the other mum that children are so forgiving - and she said that we mum's are too.

Like Anna says, forgive yourself - and I hope you have.  He really did wind you up.  I'm glad you've moved on though and have had a chat.

Anna's post is brilliant, and so true.

Plenty of time left of these holidays too...


Posted on: April 6, 2010 - 3:18pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Dear alisoncam

I recognise so much of myself in your post.

My daughter often used to say she didn't have anyone to play with, I used to have her friends over and I think because I was on my own, I wanted their company and their parents company when they picked their children up!  But often she didn't get invited back or they would start to ask if I could child mind for them etc. I think the crunch came when someone wanted me to go to their house on a Friday night and babysit (!!!) the children were about 9! You can imagine my shock and surprise that someone would think that I would like to 'hang' out at their house!

Don't feel guilty or bad over the fact that the half sisters Mum hasn't been back in touch, she has shown her true colours, your conversations were all about her.  You are obviously changing as people are beginning to see that they can't just take take take from you.

Also well done you for going and asking neighbour for a favour, I am sure you are owed quite a few!

Regarding the Alan Carr book, best of luck with that.  I watched a DVD of his and I stopped smoking instantly which completely surprised me as I was only watching it because a friend wanted to stop.

I am actually smoking again, but I think if you REALLY want to quit, the DVD is fab! It gives you common sense and mental images that you can really use.

So glad you and your son have cleared the air, have a good evening together :)

Posted on: April 6, 2010 - 5:42pm

Hi Anna and Sparkling, C...... and I have had a fantastically lovely evening. Nothing special just watching tv, with him sat beside me playing a game on the laptop. I gave up on the bedroom, and decided to do the bathroom!!! A few weeks ago, I started to buy the sticky back tiles for my kitchen. I had planned to decorate it during the time son was away at my sisters! As I've gone back to smoking, I haven't been able to buy more tiles, paint etc, so this afternoon, I had a brain wave. (often have these, and then they go wrong). I only have a small bathroom and the woman before me had marble tiles, which I detest, probably because they weren't my choice! Anyhow, I have put my 'fake' tiles over the marble ones, and I have to say I'm really pleased with my effort. Have still got the cutting in bits to do (aaarrrggghhh) which I shall finish tomorrow. Here's hoping the first time we bath and step on them, they don't start peeling at the corners. (must buy a mat at some point). When I shall tackle the bedroom again, who knows, but right now, I'm not that bothered.

C...... has very kindly given me some Easter Egg, which I'm thoroughly enjoying. Everything is great in the flat right now, and I'm LOVING it.

My son's friend has asked if he can have a sleepover next Monday, and I was very direct. I told his Mum I would see how I felt on that day, and explained that to both boys.

As for the DVD Anna, I might give that a go along with the book!! I'm thinking I need all the help I can get. My friend suggested hypnosis!! Why on earth didn't I think of that??? Oh yes, the reason being money!!

Thankyou for being here for me today, it certainly helped.

Hope you're both having a good evening

Take care



Posted on: April 6, 2010 - 9:37pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hey alisoncam, I loved your last post, I love that feeling when ALL IS WELL IN YOUR WORLD!

Who knows when you get on with the bedroom, all in good time, there is no pressure.  My counsellor always used to tell me to stop saying that 'I should' redecorate....'I should' have breakfast on the table before my daughter gets up etc. She said I should say to myself 'I could' instead....It certainly took the weight off and such a simple thing to do!

Is your son's friend hoping to have a sleepover at your house or at his? Perhaps his mum could have them? Don't feel bad or guilty if you are not up for it, your son might be a bit cheesed if he cant do it, but they soon get over it and move on!

Your lovely boy is still sharing his easter egg with you, thats because he loves you and you are a fab mum, ahhh!


Posted on: April 7, 2010 - 4:55pm

Hi Anna, the friend is supposed to be sleeping here. I won't let my son go to theirs as they have a huge German Shepherd, and even my friend won't leave her own son on his own with the dog!!! She doesn't like shutting the dog away in another room or the garden, as she says it isn't used to this, and continuously barks. In all the time I've known her, about 2 years, my son has never been there. She thinks I'm being over protective with C..... but I'd rather have him in one piece thankyou very much!!! A few months ago, the dog actually attacked her, and her face was a complete mess, so I think I have a fair point!

I finished the bathroom, and am so pleased with the result. Next, the bedroom. My wardrobe had totally fallen apart, so I had to hammer the long nails in the back. Couldn't find a hammer, so used another tool instead. C..... came in and said, 'Mummy, you do know that's not a hammer don't you?'. I replied 'Needs must'! My Dad would have been looking down on me saying 'that's my girl', (he was a bit of a bodger too)hehe.

I think your counsellor was exactly right. Instead of 'should', I'm going to tell myself 'could'. I have taken a leaf out of Louise's book and somedays get the hoover out if I know someone is going to call. Then I simply tell them I haven't had time to do it.

So, the bedroom is tidy, not fully sorted, but I'm not looking in there again today. I shall sort the kitchen when I get something to eat later. For now, I am sitting as I have actually overdone things, and I'm aching, but I'm so glad I've achieved something. The weather is so miserable, but all is good.

How's things your end? Does your daughter go out most days with friends etc?

Have a lovely evening, thankyou again.

Take care



Posted on: April 7, 2010 - 5:15pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi alisoncam, don't overdo things!  Its a great idea to keep the hoover out at all times!

I understand your concern about the dog, it seems a bit bizarre to have a beast in your house that you are unable to control, more than a little worrying.

My daughter is not one of these people that make the first move to get together with friends unfortunately, she waits for her friends to arrange something.  Yesterday she spent the day home alone and today has come into work with me :) So I have her doing some minor things that I have been putting off!!

Our children have their uses!!

Posted on: April 8, 2010 - 12:16pm

I'm so glad you're pleased with the bathroom, Alison.  Have you managed to get into the garden yet?  Glorious here, although I do have some bits and pieces of work I should be doing.

Glad you had some Easter egg too.

Glad your daughter's helping Anna.  I blew up this morning and this lot have actually been tidying!

Posted on: April 8, 2010 - 2:36pm


Hi, I have managed to cut the grass, and I did a bit a weeding, then I'd had enough, so I sat on one of the swings, and C..... entertained himself by kicking an orange bottle! Yes, he does have footballs, but he thought this was more fun to do! My friend arrived a little while ago, and announced she would take him to the cinema. So, I have a couple of hours to myself, eyes are heavy, but I should go over and see neighbours. Don't tend to take C as he gets bored after 5 mins, and being elderly (I guess this is the reason), they or rather 'she', gets aggitated with him! When my friend arrived, she commented on 'his' bedroom, then remarked 'so, you are sleeping on your own now then'. 'No', says C, 'Mummy doesn't want to sleep in a single bed, and she doesn't have a tv in her room'. This is the lady that doesn't think it is right that we still share a room!!!! I received a disappointed look, shock horror. Then she told me she has a tv she can give me, so I said, 'What about a double bed'. (the double bed is underneath the single, attached to C's bunkbed). Anyhow, think that stumped her!!!

This peace is heaven, the sun is glorious, and I'm truely whacked.

I hope you are all having a good day. Good that your daughter is helping you at work Anna. Also your lot Sparkling, even if you did have to blow your top beforehand. C changed his trousers before he left, they have been thrown in his bedroom, so they shall stay there until he gets home. I'm learning girls, I'm learning!!!! 'One day at a time, sweet Jesus'. Isn't that a song?

Take care both of you



Posted on: April 8, 2010 - 4:18pm


That is the song!!

I should cut the grass really, but I seem to be doing bits and pieces that are just wasting time!

I'm glad you got out in the garden.  I think it makes such a difference when the garden is a bit tidy.

Posted on: April 8, 2010 - 4:48pm


Went over to neighbours and cut their grass, just back, so that is my good deed for the day. C is back and had a fab time. Hopefully his good mood will last!

Posted on: April 8, 2010 - 7:44pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

That is very good of you alisoncam to go and mow neighbours lawn when you have some time to yourself.

You did sound as is if you were in a very blissful state when posting yesterday, long may it last! :)

Posted on: April 9, 2010 - 12:50pm


My fingers are crossed that you have a happy rest of the hols!

14 year old brought the mower from the garage, and kept it after I mowed the weeds, I mean grass...

Posted on: April 9, 2010 - 6:34pm


My blissful state isn't lasting folks! My niece rang yesterday to see if she and her 6 year old could come over for the day and stay the night. Lovely I thought, until she mentioned bringing the dog too!! It isn't a puppy, so why on earth did it keep using my flat as a ruddy toilet!!! He had been in the garden all afternoon, but still insisted on peeing on my carpet, then the kitchen. My son has mud on the hall carpet, then knocked a drink of coke over in the bedroom!!! Come bedtime, (I gave up double bed for my nieces), I went to say goodnight, and found the dog IN the bed too. I immediately yelled and told him to get out, totally ignored me, (as everyone does). After 5 mins of me getting in bed, the dog decided to sleep in same room as me!!

My jobs today are scrubbing every single room. We didn't get to the park yesterday, as the kids were having a whale of a time playing on swings here, plus digging a hole, adding water, and using it as a mudbath!! Heres hoping my son doesn't go mad when (and I know he will) he asks to go the park today and my answer is no, I'm busy cleaning!!! They are all still in bed, (dog included). I've been up since 5, now I'm looking around at the mess, and wishing I could turn back time to yesterday morning! Oh well, keep smiling Alison, haha

Hope everyone is well, and having a lovely weekend.

Take care



Posted on: April 10, 2010 - 7:35am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi alisoncam - I want to say to you 'Let it go' in a dreamy like voice!

The dog probably peed in your house to mark his territory, that is normal, not bad behaviour, he then came and slept with you, so knew that you are the boss of this household!

Don't spend your day scrubbing and being bothered with it all.  The kids are having fun, is your neice still with you? Sit down and drink coffee with her.  You DO NOT need to scrub every room alisoncam.  Its only dirt and it will be back again tomorrow and the next day :)

I might borrow Louise's imaginary specs otherwise!! Chill out, its the weekend, your son is entertained and the sun is shining. Only do it with love in your heart and a whistle in your step and you are in a positive mood and want to do it, ok??!! :)

Posted on: April 10, 2010 - 10:50am


Hi Anna, I couldn't have left it, so now flat is all back to normal. (not the dusting), but it's tidy, no mud, and definately no smell of pee!!! Visitors left hour and half ago, so I'm giving myself half hour, then I shall get in the garden. My son is now pleading with me for a dog, so I've sat and gone through all the pros and cons with him, but I know he won't let up, so thats when I shall start my whistling!!!

Hope you're out and about enjoying the perfect weather. Hopefully this weather will last, I love it.

Take care



Posted on: April 10, 2010 - 11:27am


Ummm.....  In the bed... well, ummm...

A dog????

I'm speechless - but so sorry Alison, I have to say that the way you wrote it made me laugh.

I'm so glad they've gone, glad you have some order back, and hope that by now you're in the garden.

C - honest, you don't want a dog...



Posted on: April 10, 2010 - 3:37pm


Hey Sparkling. We did get in the garden for a while, but both of us felt a little chilly and also tired! I managed to change the bedding, (couldn't possibly have slept in it until it was clean)! Have just made the bed, so very soon, C... will be watching Harry Potter, and I shall make pizza, well, not exactly make, but ........ We sat and watched a Robin Williams film this afternoon, (where he is a robot). Very funny at the beginning, C was laughing so much, then the sad bit at the end, where he dies, C started rubbing his eyes, and said, 'I knew I was tired'. He has asked for a pj day tomorrow, so I'm loving that idea!

What did you do today? Hopefully, you managed to sit in garden, resting, not doing anything. (Pretend the weeds are flowers)Why can't someone come up with something that kills the weeds for good?????

Hope all is well with you, I'm thinking of taking a nap when Harry Potter is on, yawn yawn.

Take care



Posted on: April 10, 2010 - 6:35pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi alisoncam, glad you had a relaxing day after the house was squared up again.

If C is desperate for a dog, how about taking him to a local animal sanctuary?  There is one near us where you can go and walk the dogs and stroke the cats and rabbits!  You could tell him that he is doing a much better job caring for all the homeless animals than having just one!  It might work!

Also, I am sure you have done this, acknowledge that he wants a dog, perhaps you wanted one too when you were little, but the garden/house/nearby walks just aren't adequate?!?

Posted on: April 11, 2010 - 9:53am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Wow alisoncam what a time you have had while I was away.

My heart went out to you, reading about when you "lost it". I remember a terrible incident when my eldest was four, much worse than what you did. Talking about it with him now, he does remember it but it never affected our relationship and we still adore each other, 16 years later. 

DO NOT feel too guilty. You are only human.Most importantly, do not change your parenting priorities because you feel badly towards C, that would hand the power to him, and you are the parent and need to stay in charge.

Have a think about why you "lost it". That was one thing that really helped me. I "lost it" that day because I was heavily pregnant, exhausted, furious with his father, worried sick about money as he had been sacked yet again etc etc. In your case, it sounds as if you were at the end of your tether with all the furniture upheaval, frustrated with the bunk bed, resentful that the friend and son had come round, angry that once again that you had to be the disciplinarian, exhausted due to insomnia, stressed because of the medication and smoking issue.....and it was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

I guess the next step is to decide what to do if you feel it all building up again. Thinking about this in advance will help, as if it DOES  build up, you can't think straight to make a decision so having a fallback position is great. I know you have your own answers to all this, alisconcam, and one of them is the N! I won't nag you about this as I know I can go on about it, but can recommend a book if you like?

Be proud of yourself, alisoncam, you are fab!!!

Posted on: April 11, 2010 - 10:13am


Hi Anna, that is a good idea about the animal sanctuary. I have gone through it with C about why we cannot have a dog, and yesterday he did agree with me, no tantrums, phew. I think sometimes he does feel hard done by, and I honestly don't know why! Maybe it's because he doesn't have a father figure, or the fact that the 'sperm doner' has made no effort, telling him he would e.mail etc, and that was back last year sometime, and it hasn't happened. As you know, I do sit him down from time to time, and speak about his 'father', but C always says he isn't bothered. Sometimes I wonder if he says all of this so as not to hurt my feelings, or does he really not care? I also tell him that it's ok to get angry with his 'father'. I think maybe it's best for me not to mention him, and let C just speak if and when he wants too. It is hard to know what to do for the best sometimes isn't it?

Hi Louise, welcome back, hope you've had an enjoyable break! Yes, I have had a run of things lately. As you say, I was at the end of my tether, and above all, I was extremely tired. I have taken Anna's advice. Instead of saying I should be finishing off ........ I am now saying I could be..... (though I had to do the bits and pieces yesterday after visitors left). Today is a chilled out day, tomorrow is shopping day, Tuesday, I have a hospital appointment for the pre-cancer, so I've asked my friend to have C for me. She is going to take him out, which he'll love. I am going to have a lovely last week, without getting stressed. I'm not saying I haven't had a good holiday with C so far, but I did kind of spoil things! (I'm not feeling guilty honestly, I've got past that with Anna and Sparklings kind words). I am worried about the hospital visit, but then I always am before this certain appointment, but of course that is only natural.

Could you let me know the name of the book please. I am looking into getting the Alan Carr stop smoking book too. I downloaded something this morning, and not sure if it was the book or not!!! I will try downloading the dvd, and see what I come up with.

Take care both of you, have a good Sunday.



Posted on: April 11, 2010 - 10:50am


I think every child thinks they're hard done by...

The children had another campfire with toasted marshmallows yesterday evening with their friend. I'm sure their parents must love me!!

Enjoy your pj day, Alison.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Youngest is about to go to a premiere footy match with his club.  The nice coach is going to take responsibility for him as I don't do football - wonky leg or not!  Usually the friend who has had a heart attack takes him, but I just couldn't afford the adult ticket this year (£44), youngest's is £10.

I shall worry all day of course!  He has contact numbers all over him, including my mobile number written on his forehead (not really, honest - although when they were little I would write my mobile number on their arms...)

Oldest is working, so he'll just have to wait until I've picked up youngest.  He doesn't mind as he'll be sitting in a pub!

Posted on: April 11, 2010 - 11:18am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello sparkling,

Hope the footy will be enjoyable. I am very shocked at the price of those tickets. There was a Peppa Pig show on at our local theatre this Easter and a lady was telling me that it was £9 per child and £11 per adult. I know yours are too big for PP but if you were to take four children it would cost £47!

Hi Alisoncam

Well I got my mammoth essay done, I also went to Lincoln for a couple of days but have sent off a letter of complaint as the apartment was not ready at the time stated, had no lift (though had said it had one in the advert) and things that were supposed to be provided were not. Victor Meldrew strikes again!

Good luck for your hospital appointment, I take my hat off to you, as many people tend to hide their heads in the sand where these things are concerned.

The book is "A Woman in Your Own Right" by Anne Dickson

Posted on: April 11, 2010 - 12:56pm


Hi Sparkling. Have to agree on the footie thing, I don't do that either!!! Dreading the day C.... wants to join a club or something, (yuk). Hope your youngest enjoys his day, can't get over the price of the tickets either! Toasted marshmallows? Yum Yum. Am sure your eldest won't mind waiting for you, especially in the surroundings he will be in!

Hi Louise, thanks for the name of the book. So, we have a Victor Meldrew amongst us eh? Haha. I love that man! Well done for complaining though, not many of us do enough of that!

I've tackled my ironing, (am hiding out of Anna's way now) I did only iron one side of things Anna, does that count yet??? Hehehe. Schoolfriends Mum rang to see if we would like to go there tomorrow afternoon, we've not been before, so that will be nice, just for an hour or so, the boys can play (nicely I hope). She doesn't live far from me, and is opposite the park, so that works really well too! Decided not to have the other boy sleeping over tomorrow, as I know what I'm like, and shall be dashing around trying to tidy before hospital appointment, and then I shall get myself in a state. My son can whinge and moan, but my mind is now made up!!!

Just doing dinner, and second wash on. So much for my chilling day. (have pj's on though).

All quiet on the western front, bliss

Take care all



Posted on: April 11, 2010 - 2:54pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi alisoncam

Sounds as if yesterday turned out Ok after all (despite the ironing). Glad you had a PJ day. Sometimes what I like to do when I have been out and about all day is to get into my Pjs after tea anyway. I remember one year I went carol singing with the local church, it was only 6.30 and yet many people who answered the door were in PJs, so it is not just us, alisoncam. Imagine living in Victorian times and having to wear a corset, six petticoats and a crinoline!!!!!

Hope the visit to C's friend goes well today. what's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

Posted on: April 12, 2010 - 9:47am


Hi Louise, yes the visit is still on today. Park first then the friends! The sun is shining, but even though I had a jacket on, I was still rather cold. Now I'm sitting with a water bottle on my back to heat my body up, haha. Got a few hours before we go, so I'm chilling. Took C to have his hair cut, but the regular fella wasn't available. The owner was, but C was adamant he wasn't doing it! I think they get used to the one person, like us adults do! I told the owner that I would pop back again later, and then I was given the third degree. (I felt like a naughty child)!!! Should (or could) have done some shopping, but quite honestly I just wanted to get home as I was cold, so the weekly shop will have to wait til another day.

A school friends Mum rang me this morning, and we both had a moan together. She has an older son too of 14, and all holiday, he and his friends have gathered at her house, so she was moaning it was a tip. On the other hand, she prefers her son being in her house, so she knows exactly where he is. His friends are allowed to wander the streets, and the parents don't seem to check up on them! Felt a bit sorry for her, (she is lovely), and found myself saying I would have the 7 year old here for a few hours on Thursday. I just can't help myself can I?!!! She will be there too this afternoon, so we can discuss it more then, but I am certain NO SLEEPOVERS.

What is the weather like where you are? Is it back to normal for you, workwise etc? Whatever you're doing, enjoy your day

Take care



Posted on: April 12, 2010 - 12:16pm


Sometimes they're better occupied with friends about...

Posted on: April 12, 2010 - 2:10pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Yes they can be better with friends in situ but I am glad you said no sleepovers as that can be very stressful.

I am the opposite to your friend with the 14 year old, alisoncam, I only allow one friend at a time here so they can't take over the house. My 15- year old's best friend's Mum seems to be constantly invaded by hordes of teenagers and I just couldn't bear that. I always know where my son is, though. He is pretty grown-up for his age. Right now he ias one of the music channels blaring out some Ne-Yo, or something.

The weather is nice up here in Yorkshire but not hot like it was on Saturday. I am back to my usual working pattern from Friday when I go back to college.

Don't forget to let us know how you get on at the hospital

Posted on: April 12, 2010 - 3:56pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

alisoncam - one sided ironing is worse than no ironing! hahaha! I see you hiding!! No only joking, if you want to spend your life doing domestic chores then that is up to you :) (Giggling smiley, if we had one!)

You are having a go with the should/could thing. Its great isn't it? it really takes a weight off!

How did the visit to your sons friends go? I hope they got along ok, if not, I believe that is quite normal for males of their age to fallout and sort things out within a space of 10mins!

Hospital appt, tomorrow? Is this the check up?

Posted on: April 12, 2010 - 6:11pm


Hi all, C and I had a lovely afternoon at his friends house. Two other school friends were there too. Got back just after six, so stayed longer than I'd said! The other 3 Mums are all married, so the conversation seemed to steer toward them as couples (if you know what I mean) One mentioned us all going out for a meal, (just the women), and I couldn't bring myself to tell them that no way could I afford it. You know how it is watching the pennies etc, always something to buy for C, blah blah blah! Anyhow, hopefully it won't be brought up again, and if it is, then I shall just have to explain.

My hospital appointment Anna is my regular check up for pre-cancer cells. It seems every couple of years, I have to have an op. So, I could be told tomorrow that I have to go in, or fingers crossed, that won't happen. Sometimes I'm in for a few days, sometimes just one day, but then of course I have to organise for someone to look after C, and to stay overnight with me, as it is done under a general. I have something called VIN 111. I dread each appointment, but it's something that has to be checked on, and I've learnt to live with it, (sort of)haha.

Tomorrow C is being taken out by my friend, which he is really looking forward too. Anyhow, will let you all know of course how I get on. All fingers and toes crossed pleased!!

Take care



Posted on: April 12, 2010 - 8:07pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

All the very best with that, alisoncam. I crossed my fingers, toes, arms, legs, and eyes and now I feel like I am in a game of Twister!

Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 7:43am


Thankyou Louise. Its not until this afternoon, so I have all day to twiddle my thumbs! My friend is picking C up about 2, then will drop me at the hospital before going on the cinema with him. At least I hope that is still the plan as I've told him already!!! I'm sure he'll be delighted with whatever they will do, as it means getting away from me for a few hours!!

He is still snuggled in bed. I told him last night to at least sleep in until 9, so looks like he's managed that!

Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 9:04am


I'm sure your son will have a brilliant time.

I'll be thinking of you loads.


Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 12:09pm


C has just announced he doesn't want to see this certain film at the cinema, and didn't want to tell my friend in case she thought he was rude! Have texted her, but he is unsure of what he wants to do, says he'd like to stay here maybe and just play with her. Knowing her, she'll come up with someone he'd like!!!

Thankyou Sparkling, for this morning too :) Hope all is well in your household. Do you have plans for today?



Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 12:47pm


Hi all, am delighted to report that my next appointment is in 6 months. When I walked in, Mary, who has qualified from (whatever she was) to my oncologists underdog if you like, said, 'I showed Mr. S.... the pictures from last time, and he said, it showed a few abnormalities, but for now, it is ok'. She then said, she'd sighed a heave of relief, as she was worried when I last saw her!!! I did pick up on something last time, which is why I was getting a bit anxious about thinking of another op, but it's all good news.

My son is at the aerodrome, so he's having a lovely time. I expect he'll be back soon, so I'm just enjoying a nice cuppa and 5 mins sit down.

So glad to have gotten that appointment out of the way!

Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 4:41pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi alisoncam, what a relief for you to get the all clear for another six months. Louise you can untangle yourself again now!

I bet your son had a whale of a time, I hope he comes home exhausted and already fed!! (probably wishful thinking huh!)

I habve been thinking about what you said about going out for a meal with the 'married' mums and I think you should go. See if you can get C looked after, save a little bit of money, make sure you have a say in where you go, somewhere reasonably priced and go and have a laugh. You can either play it all down and say, 'oh I don't eat starters or puddings' or just casually mention that unfortunately money is a bit tight this month, you only have £20 so want to get a pizza and a glass (or 2) of wine.

I know how embarrassing it can be, I have been there, for my very good friends birthday one year, she went to a really swanky restaurant with all her work colleagues, but begged that I come too.  I went and did the old 'oh I never eat starters and puddings' then ordered a salad, I think as it was the cheapest thing on the menu, but couldn't afford a drink, so asked for tap water.  My friend was having a great birthday and I was feeling so rubbish in my old clothes and old haircut etc etc, but funnily enough, once they had all got plastered they started plying me with drinks! :) I didn't ask, they just wanted everyone to have a good time!

So we shouldn't be embarrassed, its the way it is and its the truth of the matter, we shouldn't feel ashamed.  It would be good for you to get out for some adult girly time. Some YOU time, treat yourself, you deserve it :)

Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 5:20pm


I'm so relieved to read your post Alison.

I'm sure C had a great day.

If you do go - and it would be so nice if you can go - 'just' pay for yourself so you're in control of your budget - it's how I manage, and I tell people why I'm doing it!  Never stopped me having a laugh though (was in the days before I had children too!!).

You take care.


Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 9:39pm


Hi Anna, that is a very good idea, about the starter and pudding. Now mulling it over, thankyou.

Forgot to say before, but Louise, I hope you didn't get in too many knots!!!

C had a wonderful time, not tired alas! Not fed either, but he helped me make a salad, and little turkey kievs. We've had a lovely evening, very peaceful, and soon off to bed. Up earlyish, as he has a dental checkup, and haircut, (which is a must). Hoping to get in the garden later, weather permitting of course.

Hope everyone has had a good day.

Take care all



Posted on: April 13, 2010 - 9:40pm


Oh heck.  Haircuts...  I'd forgotten to make an appointment.


I'm so tired.  Early night I think.  I seem to be having a lot of those recently - has to be age!! ;-)

Hope every one had a good day too.


Posted on: April 14, 2010 - 9:07pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Phew! I have finally managed to get off the Twister mat.

How fantastic to hear your news, alisoncam, great relief to all of us and of course to YOU

Posted on: April 15, 2010 - 11:58am