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Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Stress is a well known trigger for anxiety and depression and there are many different causes. When parents are faced with raising children on their own, the task can seem really daunting and we can wonder how we will cope. Stress has an effect on us emotionally and physically, it can change the way we think and the way we behave.

We might not be able to sleep or want to do nothing but stay in bed all day? We might think that the future is bleak, that we are not worth anything or feel guilty about lots of things? We might have difficulty in making decisions, or find it difficult to enjoy anything? These are all symptoms of stress.

What signs of stress and emotional symptoms have you experienced? Do you get tearful, irritable, anxious, tired or panicked?

It is important to identify the causes of stress in our life because then we can try to minimise them. We might initially blame it all on being a lone parent, but it could actually be because of money problems, work difficulties, problems with ex partner, moving house, the list is endless, but to help us overcome the problems we need to pinpoint them, so we can work through them.

Share with us what is going on for you, your physical and emotional symptoms and how you deal with it.

Posted on: June 10, 2008 - 3:22pm

I know that I can feel overwhelmed by all the things I have to juggle as a working single mum (esp money at the moment and I'm sure I'm not the only one!) and some mornings I will just stand in the middle of the kitchen and burst into tears! BUT for me the most effective way to combat these feelings is to keep physically fit. We single parents have so much on our plates it's important for us to keep strong - it helps you deal with everything so much better. I know we have less time and money than those with supportive partners and the logistics of going to the gym or even out for a run are too much most of the time. My solution is this: I get up 6.00 am most mornings and do a workout DVD before the rest of the family is awake. You groan and think I'm mad but once your body gets used to it, it's great. When I'm charged up with the endorphins from this I can cope with life's stresses so much better! Fi x

Posted on: June 14, 2008 - 5:17pm

Blimey! You are good Fi, i am lucky if i am up before my daughter, i have bought countless keepfit DVD's (and No i can't afford them either!) i have stretchy band things, a twisty machine, a ball jobby and my latest purchase is another stretchy thing that stated you could lose 5 inches in a week.....I was sold, paid my £10, but now with retrospect, i am sure that's impossible! Clever advertising works on me every time!! All of the aforementioned equipment lives under the sofa gathering dust!
As for stress, that is something i know very well, particularly in the first 7 years of my daughters life, dealing with money, horrible ex and housing situation, but i did find eventually that if i spoke positively to myself i felt better, rather than beating myself up for creating such failing/flailing circumstances!

Posted on: June 18, 2008 - 9:00pm

Well, I only left two weeks ago, so I suppose it's early days yet. The girls are still testing the boundaries. I have had moments in the last fortnight when I've wondered if I'll ever cope on my own. I gave the girls a lecture about being a team, how we have to stick together, cos if we are at war with each other, then we have no chance against our enemies. I'm also finding it pretty hard getting them into a bedtime routine. They have been difficult getting ready for school too. I hope things will improve over time when we find our feet.

Posted on: June 18, 2008 - 10:47pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Rosedragon, you are new to single parenthood and it sounds as if you are onto a good start with discussing with your girls about being a team, i think that is a fantastic idea, don't forget to remind them every now and again when you are spending quality time together, whether you are in front of the telly, at dinnertime or when you are playing a board game. You will get stronger and you will cope in your own. Often when we have seperated from our partners our confidence hits an all time low, this then reflects on our parenting and getting our children to do what we want can be very difficult! Many women have said that confidence courses and parenting programmes have been a great help to get back on track. Things will improve, i'm sure others on this site will agree. Good Luck, keep going, you are not alone :)

Posted on: June 25, 2008 - 10:27am

Hi all I have been finding it difficult lately with stress - have got a lot going on in my life with redundancy and bringing up my son single handedly as well as health problems. My ex does not want contact with my son and as I dont have family here it is difficult to get some time out which then frustrates me and today I was feeling very sorry for myself as I couldnt assemble a lawn mower and burst into tears. I am getting a bit worried that it doesnt end up in a nervous breakdown!!!!

Posted on: July 19, 2008 - 11:34pm

I am a single father of two girls aged 7 and 11 who's mother is not one bit maternal and all materialistic,I am off work at the minute with stress,which I blame on myself because I can't take time for myself,I always feel that I am the only one who can give them what they need,thier mother lives with a guy who is a good father and in the 4 years we have been apart I could count on ten fingers how many times they have stayed over, since she moved in with her new guy at a new house they stay over more, but I think this is all about inpressing him because he takes his wee boy every Saturday without fail,I don't have a big family back up to give me space and even though my girls are good for me I still feel overwhelmed by the parent's job.So without trying to get thier mother to take them more which would be like talking to the wall because you always get "I am working that day" or " we are going somewhere that day or night",how do I make time for myself?

Posted on: July 20, 2008 - 12:41am

Hi Resh and owlbinman....hey, sorry I can't make it better but... can just sympathise... I have been on my own with twins since they were a few months old.. and get very little, very little help from anyone... and nothing from their dad at all.... its ridiculously hard and there are times when I just feel like collapsing and not getting up for about 3 days... but as you know thats not possible.. so I grow stronger knowing that I did all by myself... It is the hardest job in the world... but stay strong in the knowledge that you are loyal, strong, determined, kind, considerate, honourable, fun, happy and all those other qualities that we need to do it alone... there are not many people that can actually do a job like we do.. most of my double parent friends are so reliant on their partners, it makes feel very capable and independent that I can do a good enough job all by myself!!!

I have recently found this OneSpace and not a moment too soon....its great to connect with people who are in the same position, so hopefully we can virtually support each other with at least words!!

Stress is just part of life, and I suffer majorly, I'm taking homeopathy at the moment and was going swimming when i could as I was working part time... its the holidays now, so I have been as organised as i can be a done a basic plot of free activites. Getting time to myslef is nigh on impossible and generally I only get 9pm-10pm when I'm so knackered I can't do anything anyway... So I just look forwards to the future when the boys are old enough to do their own thing and I can have some free time... about 10 years away.!! In the meantime, I have taken on doing an online course but its hard... we have to keep ourselves charged up and happy so that we can be great parents... an ongoing battle... thats why it is important to do things that you love doing, whenever possible, sneak those moments where ever you can, and relish them..!!

Posted on: July 20, 2008 - 9:26pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Sadietwins is absolutely right, it is really important to find things that you enjoy and doing them.

Doing something rewarding can help us to feel better, as single parents we often feel guilty if we take time out for ourselves. It is not a luxury it is a necessity. Just as a small disappointment can send us off on a negative downward spiral, a rewarding or positive change can spark an upward spiral.

Tell us here what do you find pleasant or fun? What gives you a sense of achievement? What would your best friend suggest you try? What makes you feel more confident? What have you done that you are most proud of?

Think of what has helped in the past to make you feel better and write it down and put it on the fridge.

It’s easy for ‘fun’ activities to get crowded out and pushed aside especially when you are raisng a family alone. Share with the online group and maybe we can all help each other, remember it doesn’t have to cost anything.

Posted on: July 22, 2008 - 5:07pm


Stress is the bain of my life at the moment!! Even though I didn't recognise that I was suffering from it as I don't feel "stressed"
I seem to be forever ill.... had shingles twice this year, gall stones, chest infection, some kind of skin complaint that left me looking like some poor spotty teenager ( can't complain there I suppose) It wasn't till I went to docs with my 2nd bout of shingles, he asked me what was happening in my life atm..... shame they only give you 5 min appts :) Apparently all my illnesses are connected to whats happening in my life! So... how do I stop it all? I haven't a clue, whats happening is out of my control.. losing our home, having to work to make ends meet, no money left for treats for us, (which we deserve), the list goes on!!
So I'm now attending the doctor once a month for little chats, to see how I am.. bless him :D and I'm taking tiny steps to try and get some control back of my life. I haven't really got time to relax etc, my day consists of work, home, tea, housework and fall into bed, for it all to start again the following day.
Sorry guys bit of a ramble there, but just wanted to pint out the physical effects of stress.
Take care
Jay x

Posted on: July 23, 2008 - 10:31am

That's the thing about stress the immune system just goes through the floor,I had a car accident in 2001 and I now have Arthritis in my left ankle and now the Docs are looking at replacing my ankle,I still work but when I come home I have to rely on crutches to get around,so it does not leave me with much choice to do anything physical,and the stress has left me with a major lazy streak at the minute were I don't want to do anything that is not necessary,I suppose if it wasn't for sites like this were we can complain what else can we really do because people with partners or no kids think that's all we do, whinge but if they had kids or lost that partner they would be on here like the rest of us,it is hard to keep your pecker up when there is little or no support but I guess that is what makes us probably the strongest people in the world,we are all first class people and none of you forget that.

Posted on: July 24, 2008 - 1:30am

On a practical note, I find the Kalms herbal pills that you can get from Boots or.... really help me... when my shoulders are so tight and I get headaches and have constant pain in my neck... these actually do help... and they are all natural.. but with all things, please read the label and check if you are on other medication whether you can take this suppliment.... I'm also trying the Kali Phos... homeopathic mineral salts which you can also buy at Boots etc... they seem to be ok aswell.... they're not too expensive and better than pain.... its working for me at the moment, I'm not saying that my shoulders are relaxed but they're not getting any worse and I used to be in constant pain.!!

Posted on: July 24, 2008 - 10:31pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi all, it seems that stress is taking its toll on all of us.

It sounds like you are having it really tough princess, glad you feel you can let it all out here, you are absolutely right stress can expose itself in many ways and obviously being physically unwell, really has to make you stop and take stock of what is going on. You sound like you are incredibly busy, try and take time out at the weekends just for you, do something that you find pleasureable.

I completely agree with you Owlbinman, we are the strongest people out there, we carry everything and have no-one to share the load, like you say people with partners don't understand that if they were on their own, they would need someone to offload to. Don't worry, we understand - COMPLETELY. It is hard to keep your pecker up, but again it is important to do things that you find rewarding, as single parents we need to keep going, so finding a happiness or joy in small things makes our childrens lives happier.

Often when we are stressed we tense different parts of our body, some people carry it in their neck and shoulders others in their stomach, jaw or buttocks, what we need to do is practise relaxation. At night try tensing the area in your body that you hold tension, say your neck and shoulders for 10 seconds and releasing for 10 seconds, do this a couple of times, then when you are beginning to feel tense during the day, repeat the exercise. You may find this helps.

Let me know :)

Keep in touch

Posted on: July 30, 2008 - 11:06am

HI all

Wow reading some of the posts on here has made me feel human again. I know in my situation that negatives set me off into a depressed state and a need a few positives to bring me back to this planet. With me eldest leaving for Uni last week I feel like the little me time I had is now out the window as I do not really have any friends which who I can leave my youngeset 2 children. I know at the moment I am going through like a "breavement" phase as a part of me feels so lost and empty without her. This is really going to have a even bigger strain on my relationship with my boyfriend. God!!! just when you think you find your feet things can get so complicated and twisted, it really is swings and roundabouts. But the best part of it is when my children put their arms around me and "say thank you mummy for doing everything for us. I love you so much". Now when my eldest ring me from uni and says "I miss you mum and I love you lots". Them moments make it all worthwhile and really make you realise that you are doing such a great job.
No matter how hard things get as long as you have your child/ren you can get throught it. After all thats what were all here for :?:

Posted on: October 3, 2008 - 2:04pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi bkaur

It sounds like things were feeling pretty tough when you sent that last post, a sense of loss of your daughter leaving home. I hope she is doing well and you have given yourself a pat on the back for supporting her into Uni. :)

How is it going now? Our job as parent is to be there for the children, but we mustn't neglect ourselves, keep doing things that give you a sense of self, love and approve of yourself, life as a single parent can feel like swings and roundabouts, so many highs and lows, but we wouldn't change it eh? Remind yourself of that. :)

One day when they have all left the nest we will be wishing them back again!

Posted on: December 1, 2008 - 4:19pm

Hi all, I am feeling all of those things at the moment. I've been raising my daughter for 8 yrs with no help. Her dad takes her for 5 hours on a Sat and that is it ( his choice, I would love him to have her more so that they can have a better relationship ). My daughter is 12 and we're moving her schools due to bullying. I am beyond stressed. I'm drinking alcohol almost every night just to try and sleep ( but of course you don't really sleep as you wake up for water all night ). I feel so low and so down on myself. I have so much anger towards the girl that bullied my daughter just because she could. We're having to change our whole lives and she gets to carry on as normal.

I'm trying to think positive and pull myself out of the negative thinking but to be honest I could just go to bed and stay there for weeks on end.

Posted on: February 17, 2009 - 7:48pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello heidiy and welcome to the boards

You're right, it is unfair that a bully can get away with it whereas you are the ones to suffer. Did the school ever take proper action about it? No wonder you are stressed! :x

it's probably counter-productive to have a drink to get to sleep, not just needing water afterwards but also the quality of your sleep can be affected. I wonder how you would feel about seeing a counsellor? You can see one through your doctor or privately (you would need to tell me your geographical area so I could do a bit of rooting around for you), I just think it might help to be able to talk everything through and work out a strategy for moving forward after this awful experience. As for letting out your anger, you are not going to be able to do so to the source of your anger so I would suggest another outlet. Often, a lot of physical energy can be generated when you're angry so finding some form of exercise is brilliant (even having a cushion to punch or somwhere safe to scream will help). Another technique could be to write a letter expressing everything you feel and then enjoying destroying it, eg burning it or ripping it to shreds.....or instead choosing to put that letter away somewhere (a shoebox?) and saying to yourself "That's Ok I have put my anger away now". Another way is to acknowledge that the only person who is suffering from your anger is yourself, and maybe your daughter- and why make yourself suffer more?

I hope some of these ideas are helpful, but expressing your anger, your fury, either with a counsellor or with a friend, will be really helpful, in my opinion.

Hopefully you will also find support from other parents on these boards and feel less alone with this. As your daughter gets older, you WILL be able to have more "me time" as she will start to be able to be left alone. How do you feel about a yoga class? My colleague swears it helps her to relax no end. Myself I prefer a meditation-type tape and a lie down in a darkened room!

best wishes

Louise :)

Posted on: February 17, 2009 - 8:46pm

I feel like I am on a constant stress ball... if its not my ex, its the kids and if its not the kids its money (or lack of) and if its not that then its my health - which i think all ties in with being stressed.

I had a big stress ball hit me this week... My son, who is 8 years old, swore at me using the F word! He is usually the most mild mannered child, but don't get me wrong, he knows how to push boundaries when he wants to try! He's been banned from his computers now and tv priviledges have gone for the week.. however when we had both calmed down and after school I sat him down and asked why he had snapped like that and he started crying and told me that he felt like he was being bullied by his step brother (My ex's girlfriends son) I know my son and his dad don't have the best relationship and now I have to muster up the strength to talk to my ex about it.. I can imagine what he will say though. I've been called in to school at the begining of the year (first time ever) to tell me that my son had been bullying... me thinks maybe there is a connection here??? Well now I have acknowledge it on here i have to carry this through and talk to my ex... I feel another barney coming on :(

The occasional Nytol really helps me and Bachs rescue remedy spray aswell.... I also have some aromatherapy oil that helps sleep aswell. Also writing things down helps.. :)

Posted on: March 5, 2009 - 8:50pm

hi everyone
its hard being a parent but nothing prepares you for being a single parent and all the problems that come with it i find myself constantly under stress with 2 small children my studies and the financial side of things. As single parents we dont get a break its constant my kids dad left 4yrs ago so hes not involved in their life at all. I do sometimes suffer with panic attacks but have learned to deal with them and recognise the signs we need to give ourselves a break and not be to hard on ourselves its hard but we're only human keep smiling thats my philosophy even when it all gets you down :)

Posted on: March 5, 2009 - 10:01pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Blusey

Oh-oh, yes you do indeed have a big task on your hands. Would it help to write a letter/email to your son's father rather than talk to him? I guess it will be a difficult communication whatever method you use. You could start by mentioning the trouble your son has had at school and that now you have got to the bottom of it, you find that the cause is his relationship with his stepbrother. Good luck with that one :roll:

Hello Caz

Yes it is hard to keep going sometimes, the list of jobs is never-ending and it is natural to feel exhausted. Now mine are teenagers I look back and wonder how I coped! It's important to reward yourself whenever you get the chance :D

Take care, both

Louise ;)

Posted on: March 6, 2009 - 8:52pm

This thread has been so helpful in quite a sad way.
To read all the hurt and traumas people are going through puts my own stuff into perspective and also makes me realise I'm not c**p or pathetic. I am normal.
De-stress. That must be wonderful when you find that button to push.
Breaking the cycle of madness in your head. That was one suggestion i've had recsently. And I really would if I could just find the end. Or had a spare hand in which to break it with!

Posted on: March 9, 2009 - 11:03pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hear hear, pixiponk! ;)

Posted on: March 10, 2009 - 12:41pm

Hi People!!

Well, I had 'that' chat with my ex about my son's recent behaviour and I got the reply I was expecting. He defended his girlfriends son to the hilt and said that there was no way he would dream of bullying our son... He suggested that it was over a spat they had had at the weekend and it was because his girlfriends son wouldn't put up with any nonsence from our's ....?? (his girlfriends son is a year younger than ours -7) I can only keep an eye on the situation from my side and hope that my son doesn't pick up on any more negative behaviour from them.

My one saving grace this week is that I have been to parent's evening - on my own because their dad is too busy to attend - and both the kids are doing really well.. my son's teacher has even noted a marked improvement in his happiness in class in the last few weeks - he has been quiet closed in of late - and I guess I can take credit for that and guess I must be doing something right for them to be doing so well!! So I guess the one thing I would like to illerate to all the single mums and dads out there is that there can be relief from the storm at times and we should relish these time and, although its not the norm, take time to congratulate ourselves for the wonderful job we are doing!! :D

Posted on: March 10, 2009 - 10:32pm

I feel so hopeless this week. I just can't think what to do with my daughter. I am on auto pilot with meals for her and bath time and bed time etc but I know she is bored and my energy levels are so low.
I feel pathetic because I should be able to pull myself together. I just can't think what I should be doing.
Stress and depression is consuming me and I am desperate to be happy and playfull. I don't know what she likes doing all of a sudden. All day I am hanging on till bedtime. Then I spend all evening feeling guilty.
Moan moan moan
Stress stress stress
Is this the right thread to do this in.

Posted on: March 10, 2009 - 10:35pm

pixiponk wrote:
I feel so hopeless this week. I just can't think what to do with my daughter. I am on auto pilot with meals for her and bath time and bed time etc but I know she is bored and my energy levels are so low.
I feel pathetic because I should be able to pull myself together. I just can't think what I should be doing.
Stress and depression is consuming me and I am desperate to be happy and playfull. I don't know what she likes doing all of a sudden. All day I am hanging on till bedtime. Then I spend all evening feeling guilty.
Moan moan moan
Stress stress stress
Is this the right thread to do this in.

I'm sure this thread is fine...

Don't you feel guilty. You're daughter will be fine. You need to do what you feel able to do at the mo. Even if you watch CBBies together, or maybe sit on the settee or on the bed together and look through a book. It doesn't have to be too much. I found that if I entertained too much, they'd want to be entertained all the time! They need their own time to be able to amuse themselves for a while.

You're not pathetic. While we might know we need to 'pull ourselves together' (I know I do too), it is easier said than done.

I find random dancing and silly singing works wonders at your daughter's age. It even works with my lot!

It's very important to be kind to yourself too.

Posted on: March 10, 2009 - 11:08pm

Blusey7 wrote:
Hi People!!

Well, I had 'that' chat with my ex about my son's recent behaviour and I got the reply I was expecting. He defended his girlfriends son to the hilt and said that there was no way he would dream of bullying our son... He suggested that it was over a spat they had had at the weekend and it was because his girlfriends son wouldn't put up with any nonsence from our's ....?? (his girlfriends son is a year younger than ours -7) I can only keep an eye on the situation from my side and hope that my son doesn't pick up on any more negative behaviour from them.

My one saving grace this week is that I have been to parent's evening - on my own because their dad is too busy to attend - and both the kids are doing really well.. my son's teacher has even noted a marked improvement in his happiness in class in the last few weeks - he has been quiet closed in of late - and I guess I can take credit for that and guess I must be doing something right for them to be doing so well!! So I guess the one thing I would like to illerate to all the single mums and dads out there is that there can be relief from the storm at times and we should relish these time and, although its not the norm, take time to congratulate ourselves for the wonderful job we are doing!! :D

My ex doesn't come to parents' evenings anymore either. Last year he made a big fuss about wanting to go to my daughters parents evening last year. The date changed (I give him a copy of the school calendar's), so I did text him. On the evening my daughter phoned him on her mobile - "are you coming or what?" "fine".

He didn't come :D

I call him The Git, and very unfairly, his wife The Gitess... Never in front of the children though. 8-) Usually in a text to my friend!

Posted on: March 10, 2009 - 11:11pm

Very strange you should call him that.. I call my ex exactly the same! hahahahaha!!! Ginger Ignorant T...... ;)

He's taken to being the 'model dad' on previous parent's evenings but as soon as he has walked out of the school door... he walks away from his responsibilities again! Still this time it just goes to prove that a leopard never changes its spots!

Pixiponk, you really sound like you need to take some time out! I have spent weeks wishing the time away and then beating myself up over not doing more with the children. As Sparklinglime says you don't have to do alot.. just something that makes you happy... you daughter will pick up on your positive vibes and will be happy too. Don't stress about what you should or shouldn't be doing, even just a trip to the park and getting some fresh air does me the world of good, or going out and looking at the new spring flowers coming up and talking to your daughter about them! Even the simplist thing of having a cuddle will fill you up with love from her! :)

Posted on: March 10, 2009 - 11:24pm

I have pulled myself together a bit this evening.
This forum is the first time I'v really said what been happening. It is really helping to get it all out and see that it's not so terrible and i HAVE LOTS TO BE HAPPY ABOUT.
Woops. Didn't mean to shout.
Your posts are really helpful. You are very kind.
Jess is happy. I get this block in my head that I should be doing creative things with her. I don't get to socialize her much as we live in the middle of now where at the mo and the nearest bus is an hours walk through farm land. (not fun with a push chair if the weather not nice.)
Although we have been learning about bashing pots and pans with wooden spoons today.
I'm probably projecting my own head crash onto J and assuming she feels the same.
Thats not real though. She is busy wondering where iggle piggle and upsy daisy are going next. And trying to work out the difference between a potato and a tomato.

Posted on: March 10, 2009 - 11:27pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Aha pixiponk, the world as seen through J's eyes, what a wonderful and positive way to think! Why SHOULD you have to feel guilty for feeling stressed? What you have been through would stress anyone. One day at a time....your job at the moment is to facilitate that learning your lovely daughter is experiencing, and also to be a kind parent to YOURSELF. One thing that really helped me through my darkest time is at bedtime I would think of one good thing about the day that had gone and then in the morning about one thing I was looking forward to in the day. Sometimes the things were really minor eg "Didn't the crocuses look beautiful today" or "Oh goody, I am having ice cream for tea today" I think it is a brain-training thing ;)

Blusey well done for plucking up the courage to have "the chat". I guess you knew what his reaction was going to be.....and it was. But you have done your best and brought it to his attention. Glad your two are clearly settled at school. If the trouble continues with the girlfriend's son then I wonder if the childrens' father would take things a bit more seriously if your boy spoke to his dad himself?

Sparkly I have heard many "names" for exes over the years, but "Gitess" is a new one on me!! :lol:

Take care all


Posted on: March 11, 2009 - 1:16pm