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question for alison and everyone re I Love You diary



Posted on: January 27, 2010 - 9:16pm

I was unpacking a box on Saturday, trying to clear a path to my built in wadrobe. My daughter was helping and came across her baby book.  It was one that was a gift, and I filled it in for quite a while, and even put photos in (so strange, but I'd totally forgotten about their baby books).

She loved reading through it - even the sloppy or not so good bits!

Posted on: January 28, 2010 - 12:32am

Hi Lindsay

Basically I have just put things in that have happened throughout his life. (I started the book when I was pregnant) I wrote about the day first day that I brought him home and he met his Nanny for the first time, (she was too ill to see him at the hospital). Some silly little things, like me pushing him in his buggy, and him screaming all the way to shops, until I eventually worked out what was wrong!!! Our first holiday together, birthdays, etc etc

I put the dates, and just describe a day.

I think whatever you put in it lindsay, because it will be things about you and him, he will love it.

I have two baby books, which I have written in also, with pics etc.

Hope you're keeping ok.

Take care




Posted on: January 28, 2010 - 10:55am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

That sounds great.


How about a little letter to him just telling him how much you love him and what a wonderful joy he has brought? You will never be able to say that to him later, especially when he gets to be a teenager but he will love it that he has it in writing without any "embarrassing stuff"?

Posted on: January 28, 2010 - 6:36pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

A friend of mine writes all the funny little things that her daughter has said over the years (her daughter is 15 now!) it is surprising how much we forget!

It started with her first words, or funny questions and now it is filling up with random queries about the world or politics - very interesting!

She has never showed it to her daughter and hopes to present it to her on her 21st, although she often says she is not sure she wants to part with it!

I have often thought about cutting out crisp packets or newspapers with my daughters birth date on it, as I still get a tickle if I see my birthdate in print!

Posted on: February 1, 2010 - 12:32pm

I think the scrapbook idea is lovely.  I got the baby book type things for both of mine and filled them in as much I could, sticking in relelvant bits and bobs (first bit of hiar, tooth etc).

I am now keeping all their art work and sentimental things they have written, made etc and wil do something with them too one day.

Mt two got cameras for their xmas this year so are starting to take their own photos and put them in albums too which is great - saves me doing it for them!


Posted on: February 14, 2010 - 9:22pm

Hi Claire-Louise

Just passing through, and saw your name. Welcome back. I will post tomorrow, and catch up on all that you've been doing. Off to bed before I fall asleep where I am!!! Hope all is well with you and the two little uns, and looking forward to the weeks hols. I sure am.

Take care, good to see you here.



Posted on: February 14, 2010 - 11:39pm

Hi all

Feeling a little anxious this morning. Everything has been going great so far between the 7 year old and me. He has been so well behaved, no back chat etc. I honestly think his behaviour had something to do with my 'moods'. Anyhow, today, he has 3 school friends over. He is having what he calls a 'Ben 10' party. In reality, he is laying all his Ben 10 things out in his bedroom, and just playing whatever they all want. I shall do a few sandwiches, crisps, but my budget won't stretch to much else!!!

I'm getting myself  worked up already because I know, I'm going to be left with the mess, and then I shall end up shouting at my son, (when really it's not just him that has done it). Today shall be a real tester for me I think. One of the boys and his Mum have never been here before, and I'm even worrying over what she'll think of the place. It's clean, tidy, warm and friendly (most of the time) and small. I know she lives in a beautiful house, and she is a designer for houses!!!!!!!!!! I have spoken to her many times at the school, and she is lovely, so why am I getting in a state. I'm hoping they will all arrive at similar times, one Mum isn't staying, but I shall pin her to the floor if I have too!!!!!!!

Its so silly how small things build up into enormous monstrous .........

Off for a coffee, then rush around cleaning for the 'new' lady. Once they've all been of course, it will be a tip, then I shall have to hoover again. WHY DO WE BOTHER!!!!!! Deep breaths on the agenda, if I could stretch to vodka I would hahaha.

Take care all



Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 9:11am

I hope you have a brilliant time.  I'm quite positive that your home will be wonderfully welcoming.

I'll be thinking of you, and I hope that your son has a great time with his friends.



PS  I think its the excitement thats making you feel a bit anxious...

Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 12:32pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

It's always hard when new people come to our homes, we know how nosey people can be (and I am too, otherwise I would not watch Escape to the Country and Come Dine With Me, lol) However, anyone worth their salt is coming to see YOU and your son, not your skirting boards.

Do you know when they are going home? If so, then why not have a "tidy-up time" about half an hour before with the enticement of a drink and biscuit or a quick cartoon on TV. "First...then....". You can do it to the other kids too.

Hope your boy has a lovely time and you manage to relax a bit.....

Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 12:44pm


Why did you have to mention skirting boards Louise!!!! The 'new' lady won't be here too long, as they are going away tomorrow. They will be arriving anytime. I have made a few sarnies, C has put a few cakes and crisps, oh and a bag of sweets. He is so excited bless him, and my tummy is in knots. Silly I know.

Off now to find duster again (NOT)

Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 2:27pm



Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 3:20pm


I survived!!! New lady gone, she was very nice, but not really my 'cup of tea'. Still got the other boy here, lovely boy, and his Mum a friend of mine. Other child ill so didn't get to come! My son and his friend are now on spiderman, (now I can't play)! Another friend of mine texted to see if we were in, she is popping in for a cuppa. All happens at once here, then I won't see anyone for days, even weeks, (apart from at school of course)

Did feel slightly anxious with the 'new' Mum, but it went ok, the boys played really nicely. Come tidy up time, and different matter. First you tidy up, then you can go on the playstation. It really does work, and boy oh boy, I felt like I was actually 'in charge'.

Hope you are all having a stressfree day

Take care



Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 5:46pm


Hi Alison

Well done you for not only surviving the 'new mum' and all the hard work you puit in to preparing for the visit but for also successfully getting them to tidy up using the firt...then trick!  It is such a great feeling when you feel like you are in charge isn't it and to get them to do the chore as well.  Once you set something like that in motion and keep to it (consistency) then it becomes part of the routine and before long your son will be telling his friends that 'first they need to tidy up and then they can play Spiderman!'

As you say, taking a step back to look at why you are feeling anxious and remember to breathe are 2 really key steps to over coming anxious feelings so you are on the right track there too.

How is the quitting going?

Keep up all the good work!


Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 8:53pm


I'm so glad you had a good day Alison.


Posted on: February 16, 2010 - 10:41pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hey that sounds great alisoncam. It can be so stressful having visitors and I am delighted that the wonderful "first...then" worked. If you have a quiet day today then C won't mind, after all the excitement yesterday. Mind you, I see on the other thread that you ended up with a sleepover so maybe it won't be so quiet after all.

Sorry for the mention of skirting boards, tee hee. I dropped my phone the other day and it had fallen behind the little coffee table and so I pulled out the table and saw my skirting board! so I think when I mentioned it to you it was ME that needs to do a bit of dusting.

How's your back?

Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 8:16am


Uhmmmm, the quitting Claire-Louise has fallen more than once. I think with everything over the last few weeks, I turned to the cigs, but this week I am feeling a lot better, so I feel I can once again ditch them, and 'feel in control'.

The sleepover is going well, boys are once again on the playstation, though my son is getting bored with it now, and his friend isn't! Could be a few tiffs in about half hour or so!!!! My son came into me about six this morning with bad tummy pains, but eventually fell back to sleep. Both up at 9.15 which wasn't too bad. They finally fell asleep about midnight. They have been absolutely brilliant, and I'm very relaxed.

Hope everyone is ok, half way through the week already, it's going too fast!!

Take care



Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 11:09am


I'm so glad that things are good at the mo (don't like to tempt fate!!).  Sometimes more than one child means they can entertain each other (awful when they fall out though!). 

I have just been for a WALK with daughter and the dog that doesn't have wonky legs.  Just around the estate.  Its a glorious morning.  I took the walking stick for comfort too, and managed to avoid slipping on icy bits.

Back to essay and directing cleaning programme.

Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 12:03pm


Directing cleaning programme, hehehe. Really glad you got out for a walk, it is a lovely day with the sun shining, but cold, brrrrrr

C's friend went at 3ish. Its back to normal, and lovely just the two of us. Put a wash on, and hopefully just relax for a bit.

Hope you managed to get some essay done.

Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 5:25pm


Hi Alison - really glad to hear the sleepover went well - is that the first time you have done it?  Are you able to swap and for your son to go and stay at his friends as well?  I think this a really good way of getting a bit of time to yourself as mine play better generally with a friend round and really love the whole sleepover experience (both ways) which is great.  It is a bit extra work having another child to stay as they are excited about the bedtime bit and don't go off quite as easily but then when I get an evening and night and some of the next day to myself it makes it all seem worth it!  And then as you say it is nice when it is all over and back to normal with just you and them.  I think a bit of separation helps us all to appreciate each other even more don you?

Hi Sparklinglime - nice to hear you got to go out in the sunshine and have a walk with your daughter and dog.  I was driving back all afternoon and so missed going out in it but it was lovely to have nice sunny weather again.  Almost feels like spring is here!  How is your cleaning regime going?  How is the essay going too?

Enjoy the rest of the half term.


Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 8:22pm


Mmmm.  Still no essay done - but have done some reading.

I did end up clearing out the shoe cupboard though (miserablly failed with "first and then" with this) and ended up chucking out three dustbin bags of old shoes.  Football boots that are too small have been put to one side and youngest can wash these and I'll try selling them on ebay.

The cupboard looks good!

Fourteen year old's best mate is having a sleepover. 

I so regret starting this course...

Hope you're having a peaceful evening Alison :-)

Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 9:56pm


Hi claire-Louise

It's not the first time that I've had sleepovers. I would rather they come here and not have my son go anywhere, (other than family). I am still not comfortable with him being away from me. I know it was a few years ago now, and sooner or later I will have to let him go again, but for now, I know he's safe.

I am absolutely shattered, but it was worth it. (blimey, did I just say that?) hahahahahaha

So, you're back home now C-L? I hope you all had a lovely break with your parents. I'm sure the children had a fantastic time with their grandparents, giving you a bit of a rest. Have a good evening, I expect you're tired out from the driving.

Take care



Posted on: February 17, 2010 - 10:25pm


Hi Sparklinglime - well done you for clearing out the shoe cupboard - it is soo good to clear out stuff from time to time as we do collect so much and I find it quite therapeutic to get rid of things.  Shame the first...then didn't work.  Have you tried using slightly different phrases that mean the same thing?  It may sound odd but children very quickly work out what is going on - you can also say things like:

once you have done xxxx, then you can xxxx

yes, you can do xxxx, as soon as you have done xxxx

when you have done xxxx, then you can xxxx

I'm sure you get the picture, see how it goes and good luck with the essay!

Alison - thanks for the post, yes I am back home and I was quite tired after the drive but it was soo nice to drive back in sunny weather.  It has been snowing here again today (quite wet and not settling but snow all the same)!  Just yesterday I wrote about sunny days and thinking spring might be on its way and then snow!!!!

Cheers C-L

Posted on: February 18, 2010 - 11:13am