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First contact after 5 wks!


Well finally he is coming, 16 hrs to get here, it's along way & he has little money so he will be staying in the house. I am picking up from station thurs pm, he has an open ticket so we will see how it goes. The plan is that we will talk first day, I will TRY to find somewhere for the kids to all go. We need to talk about what happened & why obviously & what will happen about him seeing kids & how often etc.
I am really frightened by the whole thing! I was so desperate before to have answers to what the hell happened, & as you know I said I couldn't move on without them. well, that is still true but, I have now started to move on & because you good people told me that I may not ever get them, & I thank you for that because it helped me so much. BuT dont know if I want them now! frightened :cry: it's like going back to the start, all the things that should have happened at begining I have to go through now.
I will of course, once we have talked, make sure I go out & give them time & space together, or drop them off places to go out & I will go & see friends etc & have respite time.
I will try to stay strong!

Posted on: August 4, 2009 - 11:38pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Oh Paula, I understand why you are scared, it's an enormous thing you are facing now. He may give you his "reasons" but they may not seem valid to you so don't expect that you will neccessarily feel any further forward. Also be prepared for your reaction to seeing him again. This could be anger, distress or even (dare I say it....) feeling a bit sorry for him, despite all the trouble he has caused you. Try to rise above those feelings, whatever they turn out to be; it would be very easy to be drawn in to the same "pattern" that you were in whilst still together and this can only make things more difficult for you.

Sending you Samson-strength!!!

Posted on: August 5, 2009 - 10:21am

Paula, I hope you today goes at least ok.

I'll be thinking of you today. Sending hugs and strength

Posted on: August 5, 2009 - 11:12am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Well done paulasgems it sounds as if you are taking some control back. Keep hold of that feeling.

I wanted to make a point here though about a mistake I made many years ago and I just saying it to air it I suppose.

When my ex and I had split for a year, he had a bit of access, but was rubbish and there was a lot of animosity. We came together and decided we needed to talk. We talked and talked and it felt great that the past was in the past and we now had our daughters best interests at heart. I felt so much relief that when he was leaving, I asked him for a hug. For me it was closure to a very difficult 7 years. He gave me a hug, then we carried on talking, then he asked for a hug, I gave it, then as it was SO late he asked if he could stay over so he could see our daughter in the morning. I said fine and felt fine. After I had fallen asleep he had crept upstairs into my bed and one thing led to another. And so we were back together again (I know weird huh, but he caught me at my most vulnerable - asleep!) Anyway it only lasted 2 weeks before he was back to being manipulative and controlling and I ended up kicking him out and we have never really spoken again properly since.

I have spoken to male friends about this since and they ALL said, what did I expect? :o WHAT?? :shock: He obviously wanted to keep control of me and by me showing weakness of needing a hug, of course he was going to try and take it further.

This was SO not my intention, but obviously I was sending him mixed messages. I know that other people deal with their emotions differently, I just wanted to share the above and say Look after yourself Paulagems and watch what you say and do. He knows that you have been a huge support to him over the years and patterns are very difficult to change.

Aghhh, best of luck, let us know how it goes :)

Posted on: August 5, 2009 - 4:26pm

Oh thank you so much for sharing that Anna. I will think on that as I now try to get off to sleep. He was never controlling luckily, but caring & may end up sending ME the wrong meassages, so I had better be careful.

I have arranged for all kids to go to friends tomorrow, & I am picking him up at 2.30pm, kids come back at 7pm. So we have time to talk. I dont know how long he is staying & I dont surpose he does either at the moment, but I think he is only planning on few days, he has open ticket. He has texted me to say he is on coach now, he got on about 9.45pm, he has to stop in London for 4 hrs!, but at least will be able to stretch legs! (why am I going on about this stuff :roll: ).
Oh dear, one minute I am frightened, next excited, & that is not good. I think I may come down with a bang!
you never know, maybe I will be ok :roll:

Kids, they are really worried about how they will feel & react to him especially my 15 yr old!!!!!!!!! :(

No doubt I will be posting away when he is here, trying to stay sane, whilst he is in another room with kids over the next few days.
I will let you all know how I'm doing.

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 12:22am

Take care.

and good luck for it to go how ever it is you want it to go : )

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 9:40am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Paulasgems

I do hope it is a positive and frutiful meeting for you today. By that I mean that you feel you get some answers, at least, and can move forward. I am so glad Anna shared one of her experiences with us, I guess that is what I meant when I cautioned you against falling back into old patterns, it would be very easy for him just to think that he could be with you as if nothing has happened, BUT IT HAS. Paulasgems, I just would like you to protect yourself against more hurt. Good luck today, will be thinking of you :) and I hope the kids will all be OK

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 9:40am

Even I can understand the message I left!

I think it's such a good idea that you have some time to talk first.

Loads of hugs and strength Paula.

Always keep in mind what will work best for you and the children.


Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 10:27am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Paulasgems

Best of luck today, just remember what you need out of meeting up with him. I am presuming it is either an explanation and what the future holds for the children?

Or perhaps a discussion of where you two go from there. Try and keep to the point though and only get emotional with us here!

Its weird to have so many mixed emotions jumping around from one minute to the next, its perfectly normal though. Hold tight and look after yourself, imagine we are all in the next room listening in to your conversation!

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 10:39am

Well I have spent the whole morning in tears & really dont know where I am going to get the strength from!
We have exchanged a few texts while he has been travelling, just to get us started I surpose.

What he has said already is what he had already answered when I asked him a few weeks back on the phone, when I needed to move on. That he is really sorry for how it happened & that his feelings for me changed along time ago, he has also added that he will be going back, he does not want to lie to me anymore, & that he hopes we can still be friends & that I will feel better in afew days.
I dont think going by that he will be giving mixed messages, I think he is trying to make sure I realise there is no chance.

I just need to find the strength to accept that the person I love has not loved me for however long? & that it is way to late to do anything about it! someone please give me strength! :cry: yes ok I know it comes from within but I cant find it!

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 11:08am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hey paulasgems

We will be your strength for you. :D

When you first came to One Space you were in a different place, over the weeks you have been picking your life up and growing stronger. It always feels like two steps forward one step back. Its fine what you are feeling, but don't forget that you have been betrayed, he deserted you and the children and has given you very little explanation since he has gone. DO NOT GIVE HIM YOUR POWER. You have been wronged, do not let him have free rein.

You deserve better than what he had to offer, he is hoping that you will be your usual understanding self, which ultimately lets him off the hook. I would try and go cold. Don't give him too much of yourself, because after he has gone you will be annoyed that you shared your upset with him. He has made his mind up and to make his life easier, he wants you to ok it.

This may not be very encouraging but I just don't want you to give him an easy ride. When you said he is caring, that is his way of approaching things and that is lovely to be around, but actually his behaviour towards you or your girls has not been particularly caring.

Although you feel like you do now, you may find as soon as you see him, your blood will boil! :shock:

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 11:43am

THANK YOU!!!! I will take your words with me on my journey there, leaving in about half an hour. Have put make-up on, just hope it stays on!
post later.

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 12:57pm

Good luck Paula.
I am so worried for you.

Keep your computer locked down. Or he'll be monitoring your thoughts and feelings from anywhere in UK.

More lioness spirit than noble angel please!

Hope kids have a good time. :)



Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 2:36pm

sorry guys, noble angel I am & Lioness I am not!

I have cries on his shoulder yes! but the fact is I needed to & so did he. He is taking responsibility for what he has done, & is not blaming me at all for it. He has told me he didn't mean any of what he said about me being like his Dad & me needing to take some responsibility too.
It has just happened over the years with what he & we have been through with his depression & & our childrens problems. It is true we grew apart, but for me I still loved him, I surpose it wasn't the same for him & he came to realise it. Kids ok except eldest who is not coping at the moment, but the kids have only been in for half an hour!
we will see, catch up later.
Hope Sy gets internet soon, I will miss him!

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 7:34pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Well done Paulasgems! That's understandable there were a few tears, after all it has been a heck of a five weeks! Hope the kids remain Ok and take heart from how strong you have already been. Stay focused and it will be fruitful ;)

Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 7:41pm

Oh Paula,
are you OK?

Have called in at my mum's to login and see.
Oh goodness, you still have trust in him?
Am so worried for you.

Please be careful.


Posted on: August 6, 2009 - 8:09pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Paulasgems

Well done you, you sound as if the air is clearing for you and that in turn will help you feel stronger.

Stay vigilant these next few days as when he leaves it may be another wrench for you.

Thinking of you and good luck :)

Posted on: August 7, 2009 - 10:21am

Hey Paula,
this must be a really confusing time for you. Emotions all over the place.

Take a moment to think about what foundations for the future you want to get agreement on. Agreements on contact, possessions, property, method and timing for communications, holidays, birthdays and Christmas and finance.

What a brave lady you are. Have missed you.



*have called in at mums to connect up. Trip to Ikea today to get flooring for my kitchen.
I'm bit miserable today. Reality of my position coming closer. All muscles torn on tummy and legs from fighting with league badminton players. 14 years taken it's toll. Fought them tooth and nail though.

ps [whispers] have you had "make-up sex"? :o can't believe I've said that. I'm so mischievous lately!
It's those Quorns keeping me awake all night. I laughed at the BT guy in India for referring me to the internet about my line disconnection. hehe. "hhooooow can I look it up when I'm disconnected!" :evil:

Posted on: August 7, 2009 - 12:54pm

Loads of hugs Paula for you and your children.

Posted on: August 7, 2009 - 3:56pm

Thank you all for your words, they all keep me going, I dont really know what I'd do without you all at the moment.
It is very hard, being in the same house as him & wanting to cuddle up to him...........etc...."NO SY we havn't".

He has said that now he has his own phone, apparently he was using one of hers, he will keep talking to me & kids totally seperate & she will not be getting involved again & he will not be talking to her about anything to do with the kids & what I have said.
Apparently they has a bit of an argument the other day after I had phoned him about the nasty text she sent me, she heard me say her name & her & her Mother wanted to know why he did not stick up for her, he tried to explain that I had not said anything about her for him to stick up for her about.
I get the feeling that I was definantly right & she IS trying to make trouble between us all, & I think he knows this too. I know him well enough to know that he will not be able to cope with her doing that all the time. Also, he has most definantly been drinking while he has been there & I am quite sure she is a drinker too, she does not realise the seriousness of the implications of him drinking, but she WILL find out if it continues & he will not be able to cope with life at all if he continues to drink & will end up really ill or in a fight. I am actually really worried about him, he is not himself & it is like he thinks it is easier to give up. He is fooling himself that this is a new life & he is happy so therefore he will be ok & he has moved on!! when actually he is doing what he has always done throughout his life, running away! And it WILL catch up with him. She hasn't got a b****y clue whats coming!
I think that he couldn't be in a worst place & it will be downhill from here, at least health wise. He thinks he is finally happy & so he will be ok & I even think he thinks he can drink sometimes & is now free to do what he wants. He has not said that to me of course, but I know how his mind works & exactally where he is in it right now.
The kids are pleased to see him & eldest is struggling like me really, they are all watching a film together at the moment, I may go out & visit a friend tonight as I am finding this very hard & will break my heart again when he goes.
thanks for being there everyone!

Posted on: August 7, 2009 - 5:41pm

Hello Paulasgems,
I can't believe how strong you are to take on this very close and confined contact. You are making it work!

It is going to be hard when he leaves. I was still running baths for my ex when she was with me, after her afternoon of sex with other guy. It's hard to let go. It just goes to show with the right people, separation can go better.

Try not be alone on the evenings after this new separation. Friends, relatives, local wildlife, anything but sitting and silence. Your children may also feel it too. Need a distraction for them I guess.

I can't image what it must be like for you this week. Things we do for our children ;)
You will be able to look back and say "I faced that and came through" not many people could do what you have done this week.

Please secure your computer if you are going out :o

None fancied me in IKEA. sniff.
Probably cos I was limping and hobbling.


Posted on: August 7, 2009 - 6:22pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi paulasgems, far, so good. It must be difficult for you.

I notice in your post that there was a lot about him and what he wanted and what he was going to do and what might happen to him. Paulasgems it is not your responsibility anymore. I really want you just to think of you and the kids and if he has problems, well, TOUGH, he is a grown-up. As long as the kids are Ok then that is what matters.

Sending you barrel-loads of strength....... :)

Posted on: August 7, 2009 - 7:31pm

well I know your right of course & I am actually very happy it is not my responsibility anymore, not that it was in the first place, as I believe every person can only be responsible for themselves & that includes taking all responsibility for their actions! so in that respect I have not got a problem.

I am thinking of the kids, wondering how seeing their Dad go down hill from here on (if of course that does happen because I could be wrong!) is going to effect them. Of course I realise that firstly I cant control everything that happens in their life & can only be responsible for my part in it & secondly at least they wont see it close up. I'm sure they will be fine eventually because I also know, that now it is just me here things are easier for everyone. so this is all good :D

It is only the part of me that still loves him that is worrying about him, but believe me I have never been a pushover. I believe it is me putting them first & refusing to be dragged into his problems that has lead him to go & do this.

At christmas when he last binge drank (before he walked out & got drunk for two days & then travelled up to her) he was told by me to either go & get help for his drink problem or leave the house, I told him he would never drink another under the roof! I had gone for advice about drink problems & was told there are two types, those we imagine, who get up in the morning & need a drink & just cant stop & those like him who can go without for a while but when they have one cant stop & it is a problem because they are so drunk that it leads to fights or in his case depression, he would be suisidal when in this state.
Well he did go & get the help & he even became a helper there, but this is when things really started to change, he must have resented me telling him he had to go or get help. He did once thank me & say he knew I was right after he had been going a few weeks, but he must have still been battling with it.
I dont regret saying it though, I done the right thing & he eventually made his choice!

Posted on: August 8, 2009 - 10:33am

This is awful!!! I feel so bad :cry: I just cant stop crying! I am never going to feel better. I will always love him, will I ?
what if I do? then I will always feel like this!

He has gone now, took him to coach tonight. He is still the same person I always loved & although he went about things in the wrong way, it is the only way he knows. He has been plagued my depression all his life. Yes I KNOW I am making excuses for him but I would do because I know him inside out.
taken tablet but I dont think it will knock me out tonight!

Posted on: August 9, 2009 - 10:08pm

I sometimes think we weep for what could have been.

All those dreams...

Loads of hugs... So many hugs.

Posted on: August 9, 2009 - 10:22pm

yes your right I'm sure.
Thanks I need lots of hugs! I have actually had lots of hugs from him, probably not helped. :? :?

Posted on: August 9, 2009 - 10:28pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Pansy

I agree with sparkling, you are mourning for the loss of your is the same as the process of bereavement with all the different stages to get through. it doesn't mean you will always love him like you do now but maybe, there will always be part of your heart that is his, and that's Ok, he is the father of your kids and you had all that time with him, people would not expect any different reaction of you.

What a rollercoaster you have been through! Don't expect to feel better too soon, it will take time and will be a gradual process. How are the kids?

Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 9:30am

The kids seem ok.
He said goodbye to them one by one yesterday, eldest, who is the one who has had biggest problem with him, went to her boyfriends about lunch time so that she wouldn't be there we he went, so he said goodbye to her first, she was physically shaking when we got in the car for me to take her. The night before she asked me if I had forgiven him & I said "yes because he is still the same person we love & he may have done wrong but it was the only way he knows". Making it very clear at the same time that it is still not the way someone should behave & he is not really the perfect role model for life. She replied by saying " I think I forgive him too".
My middle one, 13, & 9 yr old son both were acting like he had never been away when he was here, very pleased to see him.
13 yr old reacted to him going by going upstairs during the last hour or so, trying not to show her upset & also feeling a bit cross, I think, that he was leaving us, she did not want to come & see him off so stayed at home when we went. We just took our son, he did not cry when Dad went, he trys hard not to show feelings.
When I came back & eldest got back they were all mucking about laughing, it was just me feeeling like my world has fallen apart!
They are happy that he is going to come once a month to see them, next time he will stay longer, this time was shorter because it was difficult for us all.
Pansy x

Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 11:15am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Pansy

I responded to you on the 'Hallo' post, but I just wanted to add here, that I think you are doing fabulously. In the other post, I said that you should do what you want today, and I just wanted to say, as a family you have all been through an emotional rollercoaster the last few days, so if the kids bother you, tell them how you are feeling and how you need everyone to have a nice week this week and that you all need to look after each other.

You probably already have done that, as you seem to be good at that sort of thing. It is always good for a family to share these difficult times and as your children are that bit older, it means that they can express their upset and you can show yours.

As Louise said, you will always have certain feelings for him, especially in the early days, but you never know what is round the corner, so it is YOUR life now and time for you. Think about you and what you want, because if he is coming down monthly, it could end up being all about him and waiting for his next visit.

Like I said it sounds as though you are actually very sensible and in control and at the moment you are going through all the normal emotions of a break up. Just take it easy on yourself and believe in your self.

Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 12:29pm

Thank you Anna :)

yes I am bit worried about the 'waiting for next visit thing' I am aware that as we still get on well it could end up being all about him & me as well as kids. I know he means it when he says he still loves me, & although he is clearly madly in love with his new lady I could see it was hard for him to. I think I will have to go out & get a life when he comes to stay, I could even go away somewhere. Need a man maybe, just as a friend of course.

Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 2:14pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Of course!!

I think that is a swell idea, although, if he thinks he is coming down and you are going out galavanting he might not make so much of an effort?

Sorry to all our dads online, but it does seem to me that some men only keep seeing their children if they are still in favour with the mother. Do you think this is true??

Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 2:30pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I just think it is very hard for parents of both genders to separate their feelings for the other parent from their involvement with the child......but it is FAB for the child if they can do so......

Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 4:24pm

hope you are OK sweetie.

Phew, thank goodness it's over till next month.

It will take a while for your love to die. It's a lot less painful when it does.
You are a big-hearted, generous person and it will take time.

Good luck finding a man-friend that doesn't fall in love with you straight away though! hehe :lol:
Who said it can't get more complicated?


Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 7:55pm

Sy! your back :D
Are u ok? & when are you getting your internet sorted out?

I know it will die, not sure it was a healthy love anyway, it certainly didn't do my health any good.
Do you feel your love for Louise is starting to die yet?

[i] Good luck finding a man-friend that doesn't fall in love with you straight away though! hehe
Who said it can't get more complicated?[/i ]

yea right! :lol:

Hope you ok, let us know how you are when you can. take care.
Pansy x

Posted on: August 10, 2009 - 9:20pm

Hey Pansy,
it's easier for me, as you are not seeing your partner with someone else, all those little gestures of affection and physical familiarity between them are really painful to see. The more pain, the less love I have. Also I've had more time. And Louise chose the cold and ruthless route, with no remorse or care. Easier to fall out of love with that.

It is harder for you. I worry for your heart with this monthly reunion. Did you enclose a pair of your undies and an empty condom wrapper in his clothing case before he went back? Scottish lady be really worried about contact reunion. HAHAHAHA. I'm so mean. :lol:

Are you treating yourself today? You need pampering. What about a makeover in plush department store? They are free? Sometimes have to book first. Don't buy anything though. Claim you have to see if your skin reacts before purchase...Let your daughters choose your "look" for you, then they can have fun too.

A kiss under the ear and sigh.


*what happens when I give the wrong kiss to the wrong person? Sparkling might want a kiss under the ear? I'm on rocky road with this one.

Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 8:47am

sadsy wrote:
Hey Pansy,
it's easier for me, as you are not seeing your partner with someone else, all those little gestures of affection and physical familiarity between them are really painful to see. The more pain, the less love I have. Also I've had more time. And Louise chose the cold and ruthless route, with no remorse or care. Easier to fall out of love with that.

this is true I surpose, yes if he were being nasty maybe easier :roll: not sure though. It may just come back & smack you in the face when your not expecting it Sy, be careful not to think you are over her before you actually are.

It is harder for you. I worry for your heart with this monthly reunion. Did you enclose a pair of your undies and an empty condom wrapper in his clothing case before he went back? Scottish lady be really worried about contact reunion. HAHAHAHA. I'm so mean. :lol:

You are so naughty :lol:

Are you treating yourself today? You need pampering. What about a makeover in plush department store? They are free? Sometimes have to book first. Don't buy anything though. Claim you have to see if your skin reacts before purchase...Let your daughters choose your "look" for you, then they can have fun too.

No I need to take housing benefit form in & sort out my money which does not appear to be right, how boring! BUT
I am taking them to swimming pool & going in the gym while they are there. :D I need to badly

A kiss under the ear and sigh.


*what happens when I give the wrong kiss to the wrong person? Sparkling might want a kiss under the ear? I'm on rocky road with this one.

well we have all had lots of hugs from you & now kisses :D lovely, BUT where can you go next with all this! :roll: :o I'd say you may well be on a rocky Rd :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 10:37am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe


Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 10:39am

:lol: you need to keep an eye on him 'our Louise' :lol:

Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 10:42am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

.....I am looking sternly over my imaginary glasses (AGAIN :lol: )

Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 11:02am


Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 11:10am

I have decided I will be using his trips as restbite from kids. I need & deserve it! I may spend a day with him & kids each time, but then go off the rest of time. Dont know where at the moment, I need to get a life somehow, will think about that later :roll: I think it may work well like that.
Feeling much better already, quite surprised!

Posted on: August 11, 2009 - 9:43pm

Good morning Pansy,

kiss on the nose for you


Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 8:53am

Good morning Sy,
hope you have a good day at work today. And face is getting back to normal, whatever normal is :lol:

How did it go with counsellor?

Sy, what other films could I watch?

Big morning hug for you, to keep you going through the day.

you deserve it because you keep me going by making me laugh :lol:

Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 9:32am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Glad you're feeling brighter, Pansy :) You certainly have been through the mill the last few days!

Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 9:49am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hear hear, its great to read that you are feeling a a lot better.

They say that the gym gives you a boost of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that gives you a 'happy feeling'. So good for you for going. :)

Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 10:17am

how about movie recommendation:

"Attack of the fluffy killer bikini vampyre girls".

The juxtoposition of the bikinis perfectly balances the angst and tragic pathos of the big pointy teeth. The biting is just due to disturbed childhood. Some time on the naughty spot should cure those vampyres. Up there with Bergman and Spielberg I'd say.

kiss on the nose


Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 11:50am

:lol: not sure about that one Sy.
No, need romantic one!

Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 12:21pm

Fluffy bikinis are quite romantic.

I look good in mine, it's fuscia pink.

Ok, new kiss, lingering top lip kiss, with a nibble.
My most adventurous kiss yet. Next week is formal week.


Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 6:44pm

stop reminding me it's formal next week!

you really are not helping this problem I have, & I'm quite sure you are doing it on purpose now ;)

still, I will make the most of this week anyway! :lol:

Posted on: August 12, 2009 - 7:07pm

Morning Pansy!
hope sun comes and finds you today. It really does!

I remember waking one night, and the moon was high and cheerful. I'm sure it blew on my face through the window to wake me up. Never found out why though.

Have redundancy lady in half an hour. I am beaten. I will still face her. Maybe she single...noooo.

I may have my eyes lasered before financial oblivion. I like glasses when they make me look more intelligent, but are a pain for kissing, swimming and sport. If I default on payments, they won't take my eyes out till I settle will they?

OK, next kiss is breathy kiss, nuzzling against cheek till feel the warmth, with small sideways kiss.

Phew, it's hot in here! Be glad when I'm using handshakes next week.


Posted on: August 13, 2009 - 9:34am

oh Sy stop it! :lol:

now I need to calm down & be serious here :o
Hope all goes really well with redundancy lady (no, not in that way! oh I said I was going to be serious)

no it's no good, cant stay serious.
have vision of you having eyes taken back & looking something like this :shock:

I would have boobs relpaced with ones that stay up & don't fall off when I'm lying down :lol:
(ummm...not sure I should be saying that on here)

Pansy kiss for you :lol: dont know what one of them is

P.s not fair to go to handshakes after teasing kisses. I will be VERY serious next week & do like our Louise & look sternly over my imaginary glasses!

Posted on: August 13, 2009 - 10:13am