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fed up!


Hi everyone,

I think I just need to have a moan and get some of this rubbish of my chest. I am sick and tired of every time I think my depression has finally gone I get a bad day and wham here we go again, the thoughts whirling around in my head no sleep no appatite no enjoyment and feeling like I say the wrong thing to whomever I speak to and on top of this I get a symptom of fibromyalgia called fibrofog that turns me in to a babbling buffoon who goes to check to see if the cooker is off 20 million times because I don't remeber doing it the other 199999999999 times. The housework never ends due to a lack of energy, the washing is up to the ceiling, do my kids wear all of their clothes at once?

Sorry for this, rambling over.

Posted on: November 7, 2009 - 12:57am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello furry

Those days are dreadful aren't they? You know, what, I know you are worried about your depression returning but actually it could just be a bad couple of days, plus you said yourself that the fibromyalgia can affect your functioning. Sleep's really important when you're feeling low and yet pain and the feeling low itself can stop you sleeping. DURRR! :?

Your washing machine will be on overtime at the moment. I am finding it really hard to get all the laundry dry just now, it's too cold to dry them outside but I only have a bit of heating on so if the stuff is draped on airers around the place it takes a couple of days. Do you have a drier? I do but I worry about the electricity it uses.

Back to the feeling low, just a little tip that helps me. When I am having a bad day I say to myself.Ok this is a bad 24 hours, things may be better in the morning, in the meantime I will find just one really positive thing about today. Now sometimes this "positive thing" is as minor as "it didn't rain today" or "today I had a nice smile from that lady on the bus" but it does just help to find even one thing.

And don't forget you now have your new band of online friends!

Posted on: November 7, 2009 - 9:05am

I've taken to rationing my kids clothing... in fact just recently I went through their bursting couboards and got rid of three bin bags full of clothes! People are always giving me clothes, I think the think that as I'm on benifits we must be running round in rags, but no, well appart from my daughter, but thats just her,

My son is the main culprit for the piles of washing, my daughter would happily stay in the same clothes for a week if I let here and that would be without taking them off to go to bed, she is at this very moment asleep behind me in my bed wearing her school uniform from yesterday, or the day before even, in fact it's probably all the same stuff I gave her at the beginning of the week down to the knickers... but there you go, no washing build up there, the little urchin. My son on the other hand would gladly change clothes uncountable times in one day if I let him, I'm sure he's heading for a job on the catwalk. So I've told him that he must have one pair of pyjamas and ONE set of clothes per day... when he gets up and puts his clothes on I pick up his pyjamas and waving them in front of his face tell him I want to see him in the same ones tonight : )

furrytomato, (it makes me giggle) I'm always paranoid I've left the oven on, mainly because I've done so a few times, now I have to make sure I've turned it off at the plug after I use it. The worst thing is when I'm miles from home on my bike or taking a long walk into the mountains and suddenly I think, did I turn the cooker off? and then nooooo! why did I have to start thinking about that? and I spend the rest of the day till I get home imagining my house burning down and everything ruined and then why didn't I get content insurance, how will I get everything back again, nooooo! I'll be walking along trying to convince myself that I did turn it off, going over in my head everything I did, trying desperatly to remember leaning over the oven and flicking the switch.. It never is on when I do get home, the times I have gotten home to find the ring still on and my electric meter heating up it's spinning round so fast I've not thought about it once.

But there you go! just thought I'd share that with you, good morning! hope you are cheerful today, I'd say go look out the window but if it's anything like it is here then you'll just be faced with gray, cold and wet :/ NOPE! tell a lie, I just looked through the curtains and its actually a bit sunny : )

Posted on: November 7, 2009 - 9:29am

This song makes my happy, sort of, maybe the happy where you're sat down and have tears streaming down your face but happy none the less, I know what I mean anyway. :D

My mum used to torture me with Neil Diamond and Gordon Lightfoot as a child and now I find I like them, how depressing is that?

Posted on: November 7, 2009 - 9:51am

Me and my kids have just spent the last ten minuits dancing round the bedroom with the dog, the dog got a bit carried away and started biting us, but! Neil Diamond does have some sort of happy inducing qualities.

Did you ever read about a frog that dreamed of being a king

ha! He brings a smile to my face : )

But my all time favourite.. for reasons I wont be going into here : ) This one.. as I sob into my cornflakes.


Posted on: November 7, 2009 - 10:09am

Hi furrytomato
Hope you are feeling a bit better. We all have our off days when things look bleak, and why shouldn't we? We are only human afterall :geek: I know you are worried about your depression returning, but you are really doing well. Take things an hour at a time. You have all our support, and we are all here for you, so rant away.
Its not the washing piling up that I mind, it's the ironing that I dread!!!!
I have days where I am sitting on the bus, or walking to the school, and have an awful thought of 'did I turn the iron off'. In the evening, I get into bed, and lie there thinking, 'did I turn the oven off'. Sometimes, it makes no sense, because I can check it, go back to bed, and then have to check it again. This is obviously rubbing off, as my son now asks, 'mummy, have you turned the oven off, did you shut the windows, have you locked the front door'. I'm turning him into a nervous wreck like his mother :lol:
Louise, I also have a drier, but try not to use it much as I worry about the cost. I have a key meter, so am constantly checking that I have enough electric.
Bubblegum, your house sounds like so much fun. I wish I had your energy in the morning!! My son and I tend to blast some music early evening, and have a good old singsong, and dance around.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: November 7, 2009 - 12:17pm

Hi there furrytomato, bubblegum and alison,
How are you doing today furrytomato?
Thanks for all the supportive posts - you really are a neil diamond fan then bubblegum?!
I think what I try to remember when having bad days is that not getting the washing done and chores etc does not make you a bad parent, especially if you are not feeling 100%. You being well is the most important thing both physically ad mentally so that one positive thought that Louise spoke of is really important. Just like focussing on he positive behaviour of our children and praising them, we also need to focus on our positives and praise ourselves aswell. I hope you are able to get the support you need from this site and let us know how you are feeling now?
Cheers C-L

Posted on: November 7, 2009 - 7:03pm

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the kind replies of support. I am feeling better today. I have just got home from my niece's house, she had a bonfire party hich has cheered me up a bit although am freezing cold lol. I did finally get to sleep last night at 4.30am oh well at least I slept a little.

I am going to the NEC in birmingham tomorrow for the craft show so that is another positive thing as card making really makes me happy. I will tackle the huge mountain of washing on monday.

Bubblegum, I have not had a chance today to check out the links you have put up for me but will do tomorrow night when I get home from my outing.

Thank you all again for your support, furry xxx

Posted on: November 8, 2009 - 12:46am

My top tip - get out of the house. It's really hard (especially in this shitty weather) but a walk round the park - no matter how rubbish it is - is always better than sitting looking at the washing up. And it gets the endorphins going, so you come back feeling lifted.

I know it sounds stupid (especially when things are bleak), but it's actually when I LEAST want to that I make myself go and do it, because I know that's when I need it most.

But yeah, my house if full of bloody washing right now too, and it's driving me crazy. I fill charity bags with stuff almost daily to try to get it down to manageable proportions, but the radiators still look like a permanent jumble sale in my living room.....


Posted on: November 8, 2009 - 3:03pm

lindsaygii wrote:
I know it sounds stupid (especially when things are bleak), but it's actually when I LEAST want to that I make myself go and do it, because I know that's when I need it most.

+1 to that.

I MAKE my self cycle for an hour every morning after dropping off the kids, I come back with a raging toothache from the cold on my tired old sensitive teeth, freezing cold from the sweat and the bitterly cold wind, you know when you are all wet and the cold wind blows your cold clothes on to you? and not being able to feel my toes..

But I know that somehow its a good thing :D some where deep down in side I know it to be true (no really it is) (I'm sure) (it must be) (it has to be)

In the summer I was doing two to three hours a day but in this bitterly cold weather that is just not happening cos I really cant see the benefit of a near death experience by hypothermia to anyone.

Posted on: November 9, 2009 - 1:43pm

I've started to 'try' and make cards! Nothing thrilling. I bought these paints with a nozzle years back, and I'm finally using them. I put what ever (so orginal - happy birthday!) onto black card, and even as basic as it is, I know I've put a bit of thought into it. I don't 'do' presents. Not only because I'm broke, but I can never think of anything 'nice' to buy!

I'll be thinking of you at the NEC, and hope you have a brilliant day!

Bubblegum - what an absolutely fantastic morning we've had for you to go for a ride or a walk. Absolutely gorgeous morning.

Posted on: November 9, 2009 - 2:07pm

Ohh making cards Sparkling lime and furrytomato - good for you! I started to make xmas cards with a group of friends when my first child was born and I have continued to do it each xmas getting the children more involved each year which is great fun and the end product is completely unique. I love it ! I hope the craft fair went well.
I also practice yoga to help with the 'fed upness'. I bit each morning sets me up for the day really, although I do find it more hard to do during the cold, dark winter months which is the time of year that I tend to feel more fed up so it can be a bit of a viscious cycle. I have recently developed 'bed yoga'! Nothing saucey mind you, just some exercises I can do while still lying in bed to loosen up the joints! Whatever works best for each person is great I think.
Cheers C-L

Posted on: November 13, 2009 - 4:11pm