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I hope you had a good evening and that the sleepover went well.


Posted on: September 27, 2009 - 1:37pm

OMG Sparkling, when I saw my name as the new subject, I thought I was in trouble. :lol: :lol:
We had a lovely evening thankyou. The boys argued a bit, then settled down, but as soon as they woke at 7, :shock: , they picked up from where they left off!!! My friend and I drank some wine, discussed whats been happening with the school, and then hit the sack about 1. I let her have a lie in this morn, so muggings here was lumbered with the tears etc, haha.
How are you doing today? It gorgeous weather here, the sun is shining, but I have to confess I've not been out. Hope you are having a relaxing, stress free Sunday.
Take care, thankyou for all your help with the letter to school. All done, just got to get copies in morning.
Speak soon
x :)

Posted on: September 27, 2009 - 3:24pm

We've had a nice day here, thanks. Next door's son was over today (they've been on holiday), so I've almost had a day off! Just popped in now for a chat.

The sun was out earlier, and my friend turned up for a chat. We had a good laugh and a moan. A nice change though. She brought her son with her, so we've been looking at/stroking/feeding/playing with various pets. The 13 year old is now cleaning out the guinea pigs as he saw his little brother having some of my chocolate buttons for clearing out the rabbit!

Won't be any left for me in a mo, which probably will be a good thing!

Sorry the boys were fighting though, and glad you cracked open the wine.

Posted on: September 27, 2009 - 5:43pm

I hope your visit went well today.

Posted on: October 15, 2009 - 11:04am

My visit went really well yesterday thanks. My sister does have thrush in the mouth (can't remember if I said that before). Can't believe a nurse and a doctor missed that at the hospital!!!!! So, I took some jellies and yogs over to her, as she is finding it so difficult to swallow, and everything tastes foul. (her own dr prescribed something, so this should take effect soon) She looks poorly (obviously), tired, and I have to say, I also thought she looked a bit yellow in her face.
I did some of her cleaning for her, but we also managed to chat and have a laugh. She is so worried about her results, which of course is natural. Her weight seems to be a big problem for others, which is rubbing off on her. I again told her that she is doing great, and that it hasn't shocked me at all. (I honestly mean that too).
I will ring her later on today. I wanted too last night, but I had the half-sisters mum on the phone, so by the time we finished, (2 hours later), I spent time with C, and then it was bed.
My brain is over drive, as once again, I find myself awake too early. Its 8 minutes past 6, and I'm on 2nd cuppa already this morn. Had instructions from C not to sing at his assembley this morn!!!! Will try to catch up with you later.
How are things with you? Are the kids colds better, and J's cough?
Take care
x :)

Posted on: October 16, 2009 - 6:11am