
Hello everyone!

I've always adored this website, as its always full of information and help when needed!

So I would like to get some advice about my working situtation...

I am a single parent to a 4 and a half year old boy ( already in full time reception class). I am currently working in pharmacy as pharmacy assistant, with opportunity to climb up the carer ladder!

I was recently approached by my manager and i asked if I would like to  take up extra hours, as there is one person leaving duo to the difficult pregnancy (the person isnt fit for work and has been off sick for 9 weeks). I would love to work more hours (currently working 7 hours a week, which makes me sign on - and i hate it!)

As i was offered 27 more hours a week, which after simple addingf up, will make 34 hours a week - full time job, i started to wonder if i will be able to keep up with all bills! i dont want to be in debt, and since the pay would be at minimum per hr, i wont be making enough to cover my rent and childcare.

let me list the incomings and outgoings:


34 hrs per week at 6.31 per hr = 214.54 pounds before the tax (monthly about 900+ before tax)

child tax credits and working tax= 110 pounds a week

child benefit = 20.30 pounds a week



rent (!) 1300 pounds a month thats without housing benefit ( i am not sure how much would they cut if i went for 34 hrs a week!)

council tax is approx 1100 pounds a year..


 # registered would cost me about 50 pounds a week

# unregistered would cost me about 45 pounds a week

travel to work wouldnt be so expensive, about 40 pounds a month ( its 45 minutes bus journey only)

also there are gas and electric, water and tv licence bills.

I was wondering if anyone can look up my estimations and see if i would be able to make it with this!

 i really want to be in full time employment and my heart is telling me to do it, but on other hand im worried that i wont be able t o handle everything financially!

is there anyone that could help me to make the decision?

i forgot to add that i live in London,in private accommodation ( no chance to be re housed!) thats why the rent is so high!




much appreciated!:)


Posted on: April 13, 2014 - 1:21pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello MichelleMummytoAshley

Lovely to see you!

You can get free personalised advice about this from our Benefits expert.

Just copy and paste what you have written to us and send it on this form here (click) but make sure that you also mention whether the £1100 Council tax is before or after the single person discount. The expert gets back from holiday on 22nd April.

You do need to use registered childcare in order to receive some money towards it. On the other hand your working tax credit amount may change but the expert will be able to tell you about that.

Good luck, whatever you decide.

Posted on: April 13, 2014 - 2:33pm


thank you so much! i hope i will get some positive news... as i have just spoken to my landlord, and he said once i take up the 34 hours he is taking the route of eviction for me, as he believes he will not be getting any money... (it's unfair, i know, but he had similar situation with a neighbors next door, the only difference is people next door never worked and are on benefits and just dont pay their rent at all).


Posted on: April 13, 2014 - 4:01pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Michelle, 

our 'resident' adviser is on annual leave this week, but I will see if I can get our friends at the CAB to come back with an answer before then. They normally take about 4 days to answer.

I really hope you can sort it out, will be great not to have to sign on! 

Posted on: April 13, 2014 - 8:25pm


that would be a great thing if they can, as i really want to get off jsa. especially that there is a new thing introduced, where jobseekers are going to be asked to pick up the litter and sweep the streets volountarly for up to 30hrs a week... which i would not consider at all.

Posted on: April 13, 2014 - 9:23pm


Hello MichelleMumTo Ashley,

I was looking on this website the other day, thought you mifght find it useful about Working Tax Credits http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/wales/benefits_w/benefits_benefits_in_work...

Also, if you enter the details that you know/ can predict on to Turn2Us.org.uk (I think that's the right link) it'll tell you how much money you'll get in benefits (not including wages!), I've found it very helpful before!

Hope everything works out for you! Best of luck xXx

Posted on: April 13, 2014 - 11:58pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi MichelleMumtoAshley

Nice to 'see' you again! Turn2us has a great benefits calculator, that can help you make a decision. 

When I started full time work again, it was a nerve wracking time, I was losing the comfort of additional benefits and I was scared that I might not be able to manage, but you do! There may be a few hiccups at the beginning sorting everything out, but in the long run it is the path to freedom from the system!

So the next thing to consider is your accommodation, if you had to move, is there anything in your area that is lower rent?

Posted on: April 14, 2014 - 9:04am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi MichelleMumtoAshley, here is the response from our Citizens Advice Bureau expert:

From the information provided working 34 hours per week at £6.31 per hour you should receive approximately

Working Tax Credit £90 per week

Child Tax Credit £62 per week

And approx £35 per week towards child care only if with a registered child minder or nursery.

You say you are already receiving Working Tax Credit but only working 7 hours per week – to qualify for WTC as a lone parent you must work 16 hours per week or more.

You should still be entitled to some Housing Benefit but as we don’t know your location we cannot estimate how much.

Visit Local Allowance Housing Rates, this will tell you the local housing allowance for your area and go to Turn2us to check your entitlement to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support.

Hope this is helpful


Posted on: April 16, 2014 - 12:09pm