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My upsetting New Born fiasco i need much help with!


Hi all,


A long story short, I was in a relationship with someone for around 13/14 months.

I remember when she got pregnant late december 2011, went to our first scan - Which ended up being my last :-( ...- then 9 months later pretty much bang she gives birth to a daughter (Which i always wanted).

I found out from her mums wall on facebook yesterday and lone behold she was with another man, meaning i was abit on the side throughout are whole relationship.

This lad was with her at birth so no doubt he will be on the birth certificate. I am positive I am the biological dad by 99.9% if not a hundred.

I offered child support etc not long back but she stopped talking to me randomly late June I think.

Now, My big Question!  

What if their relationship breaks down? will I be some back up plan for my ex then the CSA come after me with a massive bill even though HE is on the birth certificate??

Oh I forgot to mention, she also text me a few months ago lying about a miscarriage, this must of been between 13-20 weeks (Can't remember exactly) this was obviously a big lie though (I have all conversations via text recorded though from a website i used).

I hope someone can help me.

Many thanks!



Posted on: September 18, 2012 - 6:39pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello eddymcpre

You main question seems to be about financial support and whether you can be asked for it. The answer is ythis websitees, if you are proved to be the biological parent but usually only from the date the first claim is made to the CSA rather than backdated to the birth.

However, it seems that you are not being acknowledged as the father of this child and of course you have no relationship with your (possible) daughter. You can apply to the courts to be put on the birth certificate as the father and for this you would need legal advice, as well as the knowledge that it would involve costs and possible DNA tests.

Have a look at this site as it has a lot of legal information on it for parents and how dads can obtain Parental Responsibility.

Posted on: September 19, 2012 - 7:33am