
i'm thinking of moving from a council home to housing assocation not sure if it is the right move as people have been telling me it is a bad idea just don't know what to do but i do know i need to move as i'm in a two bedroom house with two children 1 boy 1 girl who need there own rooms

Posted on: June 30, 2011 - 10:23pm

Hi hayley. Depending on the size of the rooms of course, is it possible for you to put a partition down the middle? How old are the children? How about going on the transfer list, to see if someone is willing to swap a 3 bedroom for a 2 bedroom. I know this can take time though. Take a look at this  here

Posted on: July 1, 2011 - 6:46am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello hayley

Local Authorities have their own guidelines but the general rule of thumb is that once a child reaches the age of seven, the authorities do not want them to share with a child of the opposite sex. So I would suggest you have a chat with the people at Housing and ask them if this is the case? How old is your eldest?

Posted on: July 1, 2011 - 8:18am



I'm not sure how it is in your area, but from recent experiences it seems that a council tenant is perhaps treated more fairly.  Also, again in this area (North Wales) the rent in the council is about £20 less a week.

I'm not saying don't move, but even though both are considered to be social housing, the difference can be quite noticeable.

Hopefully, the council will be able to offer you a bigger house?

Posted on: July 1, 2011 - 8:28am


hi guys. my son is seven now, but i'm moving on medical grounds the 3bedroom house i have just been accepted for is really nice, only just been built but housing assocation puts me off abit. as u don't get the right to buy plus rent is abit more i'm looking to go back into work in the next few weeks so not sure if i can afford it. if i do turn this house down not sure how long i will be waiting for another offer it is so stressfull with my two children sharing with my son having adhd and odd .

Posted on: July 1, 2011 - 2:00pm


I felt that disappointment too when I found out that there's no right to buy here though.

However, I love my home and in a way, despite the mega frustrations I'm having at the mo (which there wouldn't be with a new home) I don't have those running costs if something was to go wrong.

Would you perhaps be able to have some help with the rent perhaps? 

I know I'll never 'own' a house again now, but I do have life insurance, so I figure when I do pop my clogs, there will be something for the children, as I can't leave them any property...  I've had this policy since I was 22, and somehow, it makes me feel a teensy bit better...

It's a huge decision to decision to move. 

If you spoke to the Council, would they be able to give you an idea of waiting time or if anyone wanted to swap perhaps?

Posted on: July 1, 2011 - 2:11pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi hayley

I have lived in Housing Association accommodation for 15 years and I can honestly say I have never had any problems, if something needs fixing they come around, any problems I have had, they have been there.

I wouldn't let the landlord of the house put you off unless you have heard absolute horror stories. They have legal obligations to ensure that they treat your tenancy fairly.

All homes have to be based on fair rent, so if it is a nice house in a nice area, then the rent will be higher. But you will factor that in you will find ways of covering it, whether that be with extra housing benefit, or more work. Smile

It sounds as though this might be a great opportunity and you like the house. In regards to right to buy, there are some houses that are available for this option. Perhaps get yourself settled and in 5 years time, you might choose to swap with someone else who has that option and chooses not to use it.

Personally, I would love to own my own home, however at this time, I can't afford it and I am so greatful to have a roof over my head and know that no-one can take that away from me (unless I don't pay my rent, of course!)

I just think that if you like the house, go for it, unless there is a blaring issue that you think is going to cause you and your family much unsettlement.

What do you think?

Posted on: July 7, 2011 - 2:13pm