pink lilly

I feel really excited that my child is going to school now (pre-school) and it seems as though A will be spending more quality time with his father. Things are progressing and im really happy and excited - A is now developing to be a more holistic person, developing and learning new things, meeting new people (new family members on the fathers side etc).

BUT ........ i also feel apprehensive, scared and i feel as thought (sometimes) i do not want to let go. I feel sad that my child is growing up so qucik. BUt the biggest point here, is that im scared of how to handle A spending more quality time with his father. Im scared of letting him go with that context, as its never happened before. (Ive always been around yknow?) Ive now got to let my child go, to a person who has given me such a hard time in the past, to a person who left me in it on my own basically. I know its about moving forward and this excites me, but i am scared of letting go and letting him have control over our child, without me being there. How do i deal with the reality, of letting my son go to his father ( something that i genuinely want) and the reality that ive got to let him go.

When i was a child, my mother smothered me (only had good intentions) and i remember the feeling of 'let me be - let me have space - let me have my own rights to do what i feel is right etc). I have learnt from this and i do not want to be the same with my child.


Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 11:29am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello pink lilly

I so know what you mean but have to tell you that as a parent, one of our main tasks IS to "let a child go"... gradually. When our child is born, we are thre with them 24/7 and then they start to crawl off and to toddle off and them they go to nursery, as your boy has done. What lies ahead is a gradual accelaration, via primary school where you are still pretty involved, secondary school where they suddenly have to cope on their own, independent outings, going on holiday with their friends and maybe away to a different part of the country for Uni and then maybe working in another country. It is hard, we love them so much, but we have to do it.

As for your boy's dad, I would suggest that this is done gradually, an hour here and there, a walk, the park, a cafe. Got to build up his confidence as well as yours Smile

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 2:48pm

pink lilly

hi louise, yeh youre right, I still feel excited and i am very much aware that letting go is normal and its what we have to do.

Ok - so things are gradual..... that settles my mind a bit :)

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 3:45pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

And pink lilly, don't spend too much time worrying about the what if's, you will cope and deal with it as and when you need to. For now enjoy the changes as you sound pretty excited about the future. Smile

Posted on: January 30, 2013 - 7:17pm

pink lilly

aww yeh :) thank you :)

Posted on: January 31, 2013 - 2:24pm