
Hi I am a single mum, with a 2 year old, My parents are in Scotland so i found it very hard.  The childs dad left me when i was 7 months pregnant and I was very devistated, to embarrased to tell my parents or contact them.  Ive never been in contact since.  Ive also waited for my boyfriend to come back and he never did.  Living on benefits ive waited for him.  I kept away from everyone I feel maybe i was depressed and handnt realized it, till I bumped into an old friend, offcourse I was even avoiding her.  She said why you "why you beening like that," cause I knew her i didnt reply and said im busy ive gottta go ,she gave me a card and said please talk to someone that doesnt know you. I had remembered she had gone throw depression and wouldnt talk to any one. 

So I gave the psychic she recommended a call and she told me everything about me only asked my name and said stop punishing yourself your family really miss you especially your dad hes stopped talking to everyoe.  I immediately related that to my self and felt i needed to help him, forgot about my self. 

As soon as i contacted my family I realised how much they were worried and how bad they were feeling, I felt bad mum and I cryed and I went to see them, I got my confidence back it made me realise how important families are and my confidence came back. I am alot happier now ive moved on from my ex, I thought i would share that with you.


Posted on: October 24, 2012 - 1:06pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello and welcome

It is very dad that you have been through so much. Sorry but I have had to delete the details of your psychic and the link you posted as this is against the rules. Does your son have any contact with his dad?

Posted on: October 24, 2012 - 2:43pm