

I am new on here, recently became a songle parent, well back in January. My daughter is 3 years old and is great but it is all still quite scary doing this alone.

I am 26 and currently living in X, moved here to settle down with my daughter.

I left my husband in Scotland and moved to a Womens Refuge in Kent and then on to another refuge in Taunton and finally got my own place. I have a support worker but it is the normal day to day bits of being a single mum which I struggle with.

I am hoping to get advice, support and maybe make some new friends.


Posted on: October 5, 2012 - 8:22pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello Teirrah

Welcome to One Space! I have removed your current location as we ask that personal details such as these are not posted. Well done on getting away from a relationship that was difficult and making it into a refuge. I am presuming that your husband was abusive, because you were in a refuge? if so you may like to have a look at the online Freedom Programme (click to see)

It's great that you have a support worker. I agree there are some very tough bits about being a single parent. What are the things you would like to talk about in this respect? Others will be along to say hello later and do please feel free to join in any of the threads, you will be made very welcome Smile

Posted on: October 6, 2012 - 7:47am