
We have two facebook campaigns going at the moment where we are trying to get heard through media agencies, MP's and meetings with Stephen Geraghty, the Chief Executive of the CSA.

Lisa Hunter and Karen have meetings tomorrow with their MP's and are looking for stories and names of MP's that are involved in both Parents with Care and Non Resident Parents cases.

If anyone can help, we would be very grateful.  We are building up a force hopefully to be reckoned with.  If we can get enough cases together our aim would be to actually take this agency, with all its failings to court.

I can be contacted on facebook, Sarah Ambrose, and if anyone wants to join either CSAhell.com on facebook or their actual web page, or 'We will not pay to use the CSA' on facebook just ask to join and we will add you.

Thanks for reading


Posted on: January 27, 2011 - 7:02pm