Abbie lou

Morning, My son J was very stressed today, has an hospital appointment tomorrow, and does not want to go! Autism!.

Posted on: March 4, 2014 - 11:45am

Hi Abby, welcome,

Is it hard to explain to him Abbie Lou, what the appointment is for?

I do not know enough about autism to help you but there are parenting specialists on here and they are very knowledgable...How old is your son Abbie Lou ? Is he very sensitive and needs a strict routine, otherwise he gets upset? Does he also have special talents ? 



Posted on: March 4, 2014 - 5:28pm

Abbie lou

Hi Skyflower

I was wondering if anyone else on here needed support, with hospital appointments, as I know my son who is 19, can find them hard.

This is because they are a change in his routine.

The appointment was about his legs, as he recently had botox injected into them again, as he has cerebral palsy  so the appointment was a check up to see if it had helped this time, there were a few problems last time, and to see if needs to be done again soon. 

J was fine he had a list of what was happening and what he would be doing next which kept him calm, I find writing lists of his plans helps alot, the waiting time for the outcome was to long for him though! so they are going to write us a letter, and let us know, all in all though a good appointment, and thankfully still does not need surgery!.

J does not have any special talents, unless you call knowing all the names of every manager, of every football and rugby team!.

Have you got any experience of special needs? sounds as though you may.

My story is written on here if you would like to read it, its called 19 and pregnant, would it be ok?

Nice to hear from you.

Posted on: March 6, 2014 - 11:45am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi Abbie Lou, hope the appointment went Ok. Does it help to "rehearse" things with him at all?

Posted on: March 8, 2014 - 8:51am


Did not find your thread with your story,  Abbie Lou, I have had lots of doctors and hospital appointments because both my sons had asthma, croup and food allergies and it took years to sort it out, but they were very young.

One son has special needs for writing and listening skills, other than that, now that their diet is controlled, we do not need to visit the hospital anymore, but now once a year, to see if it is under control and if they are growing, so I am really lucky Abbie Lou  

Posted on: March 8, 2014 - 6:53pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Morning all, 

Skyflower, you can read Abbie Lou's story here: 19 and pregnant

Abbie Lou, I think knowing the name of every football and rugby team manager is very talented! He can be on my pub quiz team any day!!

How often does he have to visit the hospital for appointments?

Posted on: March 10, 2014 - 10:03am


Thank you Anna, had read it already but not realised it was Abbie's Smile

Posted on: March 10, 2014 - 5:15pm

Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Is J a numbers person? my friends son has the same as yours Abbie Lou he has injections to but i think there put into his feet, he loves the guiness book of records and number puzzles, he has a constant stream off facts and figures to tell me every time i visit. He is ten and has slight speech problems too which he gets support with.

He likes being told what to expect too other wise he can get agitated and refuse treatment. How long do you have to wait for the letter?

Posted on: March 10, 2014 - 6:09pm

Abbie lou

Hi louise, thankyou for asking it went well. It helps to tell him what is happening, and to write a list of what will be happening then and after, lists get him  through the day, he used to use pecs, but can now cope with just a written list.

Hey Anna, it varies, but should not be for another six months, with his legs if they decide he does not need any more botox in next couple of months, I am still waiting for the letter to let me know, sure it will come soon.

Hi Sally, J is not really a numbers person, he can't do puzzles, and cannot read books without help, lists work really well, as the words he cannot read he just memorises, what the list says.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend, and enjoyed the lovely weather?

Posted on: March 11, 2014 - 11:10am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I love it that he memorises what the list says, clever boy!

Does anyone else have to go through a lot of preparation with their children before an appointment or big event?

Posted on: March 11, 2014 - 4:35pm

Abbie lou

I have met some other parents of autistic teenagers today, and one of the parents said they have a big board on the wall that tells their autistic son what will be happening everyday, through pictures, and words, I thought this was a good idea, I used this system with picture pecs, when I was toilet training J!, and also used to have some on his bedroom wall, when he was younger and refusing to get up, and let me get him ready for school. Has anyone else used this system?

Posted on: March 13, 2014 - 3:51pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

My youngest has some learning difficulties, he is grown up now but I really found rehearsing things helpful when he was younger, especially interractions with other people..."so you go into the shop and what do you say?" then I would play the part of the shopkeeper or whoever. I imagine that children on the autistic spectrum would really be helped by this and it sounds as if you have used all sorts of techniques Abbie Lou.

Posted on: March 15, 2014 - 9:31am