
i have a 5 year old...and im currently 22 weeks pregnant expecting my 2nd 5 year old has recently started pooing in his pants...he has done this a few times before since becoming pottty trained but usually stops after a few weeks...its not everyday...its every now and again...we've asked him about it and he never really gives us a reason...sometimes hes said he was 'too busy' to go to the toilet and we've also had other different getting to the point where i dont knpw what to do...we've told him off..we've taken toys away hoping this will prompt him to go to the toilet...currently atm during the day he is having no trousers or pants on so he doesnt do it...also sometimes its not just a little bit of poo its a full one...i dont know what else to do or what else to try...advice please!!

Posted on: May 12, 2013 - 2:13pm
She Ra

Hi if he was potty trained and now has started to do this I would say he's probably constipated it's very common in young children and is the main course of this problem.

I'd take him to his gp and get him checked if it is that he'd probably get prescribed medicine for each day.
Prune juice is good for this problem too ;)

Good luck amd maybe hold back a little on the decliplin as he may not be able to help it x

Posted on: May 12, 2013 - 3:52pm


I dont know if it is that as he's pooed a few times today and has said to me that he needed to go and went...

Posted on: May 12, 2013 - 4:11pm


I dont know if it is that as he's pooed a few times today and has said to me that he needed to go and went...

Posted on: May 12, 2013 - 4:11pm

She Ra

The common thing with young children is that yes in fact they are regular so don't appear to be constipated but this is how they generally deal with it I'd really recommend a gp app

Does he ever double up or arch his back and lean over ?

I doubt it's an attention seeking mission how's he about having a new sibling? X

Posted on: May 12, 2013 - 4:17pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

I agree that getting him checked by the GP is a good idea. He is not neccessarily constipated but occasionally there are low grade infections etc. but maybe try a bit of psychology first. He is 5 and you are an adult: you can outwit him.

I notice that you say you have taken action such as removed toys or told him off.

The toilet issue is like the eating issue with children, in that it is often about power. I would suggest that it is important NOT to punish him as not only does this give him "negative attention" but also sets it up as too significant. So...however hard this is (and you do have 18 weeks to do this before the baby comes, which is good) if he poos in his pants or on the floor etc, you need to be very matter of fact about it, oh dear, looks like you have done a poo, let's just clean it up, lalala.

Conversely, if he does a poo in the toilet you behave as if he has just won an Olympic gold medal. Wow, round of applause,  what a wonderful boy.Rope in a friend or grandma and ring her up to sing his praises in his hearing. Let him speak on the phone and grandma/friend will tell him how great he is too. As well as this, make a star chart. These are really sucessful for children your son's age. Every time he does a poo in the toilet he also gets to stick a star on the chart. The chart is ignored if he poos his pants (don't say "no star for you young man!" if he says can I have a star, just say "when you do a poo in the toilet you can have a star" in a very calm voice, and smile)

Give it a go and see how you get on. Be patient, it will take quite a few days.

Posted on: May 12, 2013 - 4:30pm


Well we spoke to him about his new brother coming earlier and reassured him that things would still be the same between me and him and I would still love him just as much etc.. And he said he wasn't worried about anything... Don't know how true that is..I also thought about maing a star chart earlier also atht his worked with him sleeping threw the night and staying in his own bed...I just don't want him to go to school and have his classmates making fun of him...I'm halo worried that he won't grow out of it and that he will just carry on doing it for a long time.. It can't be nice walking around with pooey pants... We have seen the gp in the past and they wouldn't actually help us... They told me It wasn't medical and I had to deal with it in my own way...So dno not know what else I can do with the gp to be honest... 

Posted on: May 12, 2013 - 10:26pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Try Louise's tactic ChocolateCherries for a couple of weeks and see how he responds to it.

Posted on: May 13, 2013 - 8:23am


I think I will :-) thanks everyone :-) 

Posted on: May 13, 2013 - 9:51am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi ChocolateCherries, you may be interested in getting in touch with ERIC - Education and Resources for imporving childhood continence. They have a helpline advertised on their website too, which might help if you want to talk it over with someone.

Posted on: May 14, 2013 - 4:23pm