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6.4 – Dealing with your own children’s behaviour – feedback

Here’s an example:

(T)echniques and (S)teps
1. Behaviour/s that you want to address with your child. Alexander is 11, he dumps his bag and doesn’t empty it; his lunchbox is always left in his bag, his PE kit is always dirty and he doesn’t check his planner or do his homework on time.
2. Techniques and steps you will take to address the behaviour. I will be clear (T) about what I want him to do, I will turn the music/TV off so I can talk to him uninterrupted (S). I will negotiate (T) with him about doing his chores and homework before TV or playing outside and I will set up a star chart (T) specifically for the homework and will reward him with going to the cinema for 2 weeks worth of handing his homework in, on time. I will need to talk to the school about this (S). I will praise (T) him for doing what I ask and try to spend more time with him or be available for if he needs help with homework (S). I could also ask him if he would like to go the library (S) once a week for some one to one time (T).
3. Why these techniques and steps will work for your child. Alexander doesn’t deal with instructions very well unless I am clear and repeat myself and check he understands. He can make a deal and likes praise when he does well. He has indicated that he would like some help with homework and that he enjoys going to the library.

Next: 6.5 – How to find supportBack: 6.3 – Dealing with your own children’s behaviour – activity

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