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4.10 – Positive attention & praise

Have you noticed how we give more attention to children when they are naughty? We notice them doing things we don’t like. Our sentences often start with “Stop…”, “Don’t…” or “For crying out loud…!” We don’t want our children to be loud or to run around or to touch things or to swear or to hit their sister.

What about when they are behaving well?

Do we say “I like it when you…”, “It’s lovely when you…” or “Well done for…”? Probably not as much as we should!

In your worksheet, write eight things that you can say to give your children positive attention/acknowledgement.

Good, now let’s look at this a little bit more…

Next: 4.11 – Positive attention and praise – feedbackBack: 4.9 – Our own behaviour

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